स्मेरां भङ्गीत्रयपरिचितां साचिविस्तीर्णदृष्टिं
वंशीन्यस्ताधरकिशलयाम् उज्ज्वलां चन्द्रकेण ।
गोविन्दाख्यां हरितनुमितः केशितीर्थोपकण्ठे
मा प्रेक्षिष्ठास्तव यदि सखे बन्धुसङ्गेऽस्ति रङ्गः ॥

smerāṁ bhaṅgī-traya-paricitāṁ sāci-vistīrṇa-dṛṣṭiṁ
vaṁśī-nyastādhara-kiśalayām ujjvalāṁ candrakeṇa |
govindākhyāṁ hari-tanum itaḥ keśi-tīrthopakaṇṭhe
mā prekṣiṣṭhās tava yadi sakhe bandhu-saṅge’sti raṅgaḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.239; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.5.224)

“O friend! If you enjoy in the company of kinsmen, then from here do not look towards the figure of Hari known as Govinda near Keśi Tīrtha smiling with the vaṁśī fixed on the sprouts of lips as he casts sidelong glances in a threefold posture and shines with the eye of a peacock feather [decorating his diadem].”


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