सत्त्वं तत्त्वं परत्वं च तत्त्वत्रयमहं किल ।
त्रितत्त्वरूपिणी सापि राधिका मम वल्लभा ।
प्रकृतेः पर एवाहं सापि मच्छक्तिरूपिणी ॥
सात्त्विकं रूपम् आस्थाय पूर्णोऽहं ब्रह्म चित्परः ॥
ब्रह्मणा प्रार्थितः सम्यक् सम्भवामि युगे युगे ।
तया सार्धं त्वया सार्धं नाशाय देवताद्रुहाम् ॥

sattvaṁ tattvaṁ paratvaṁ ca tattva-trayam ahaṁ kila |
tri-tattva-rūpiṇī sāpi rādhikā mama vallabhā |
prakṛteḥ para evāhaṁ sāpi mac-chakti-rūpiṇī ||
sāttvikaṁ rūpam āsthāya pūrṇo’haṁ brahma cit-paraḥ ||
brahmaṇā prārthitaḥ samyak sambhavāmi yuge yuge |
tayā sārdhaṁ tvayā sārdhaṁ nāśāya devatā-druhām ||
(Bṛhad Gautamīya-tantra; cited in Kṛṣṇa Sandarbha: 189)

“[Śrī Kṛṣṇa to Śrī Balarāma:] I verily am the three existents (1) being (sattvam), (2) (primary) existence (tattvam), and (3) supremacy (paratvam). She too, Rādhikā, my beloved, is an embodiment of these three existents. I am certainly beyond primordial material nature (prakṛti), and she too is an embodiment of my potency (śakti). Being established in a form of [pure] being (sāttvika-rūpa), I am the Complete Brahman, the Supreme Conscious Entity. Prayed to by Brahmā, I manifest in full in age after age along with her and along with you to destroy the oppressors of the devatās.”


bṛhad-gautamīye śrī-baladevaṁ prati śrī-kṛṣṇa-vākyam—sattvaṁ tattvaṁ … | sattvaṁ kāryatvaṁ, tattvaṁ kāraṇatvaṁ, tato’pi paratvaṁ ceti yat tattva-trayaṁ tad aham ity arthaḥ |
(Kṛṣṇa Sandarbha: 189)

“A statement of Śrī Kṛṣṇa to Śrī Baladeva in the Bṛhad Gautamīya: sattvaṁ tattvaṁ …. I am the three existents which are [known as] ‘being’ (sattvam), that is, the state of existing as an effect, ‘(primary) existence’ (tattvam), that is, the state of existing as a cause, and ‘supremacy’ [i.e., the state of existing as a superior] (paratvam) over even that. This is the meaning.”


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