पठकाः पाठकाश्चैव ये चान्ये शास्त्रचिन्तकाः ।
सर्वे व्यसनिनो मूर्खा यः क्रियावान्स पण्डितः ॥
paṭhakāḥ pāṭhakāś caiva ye cānye śāstra-cintakāḥ |
sarve vyasanino mūrkhā yaḥ kriyāvān sa paṇḍitaḥ ||
(Mahābhārata: 3.313.110)
“All the students, teachers, and others who consider śāstra but are addicted to vices are fools. One who engages in practice [of all that is taught in śāstra] is wise.”