न च पश्यति जन्मान्धः कामान्धो नैव पश्यति ।
न पश्यति मदोन्मत्तो ह्यर्थी दोषान्न पश्यति ॥
na ca paśyati janmāndhaḥ kāmāndho naiva paśyati |
na paśyati madonmatto hy arthī doṣān na paśyati ||
(Cāṇakya-nīti-darpaṇa: 6.8)
“Neither can one who is blind from birth see, nor can one who is blinded by kāma see, nor one can one who is intoxicated by pride see, nor can one who seeks wealth see faults [in one’s actions and their consequences].”
Those who are blinded by lust, pride, or greed fail to recognize and adhere to what is proper.