मम शास्त्रप्रवक्तारं मम शास्त्रानुचिन्तकम् ।
चिन्तयामि न सन्देहो नरं तं चात्मवत् सदा ॥

mama śāstra-pravaktāraṁ mama śāstrānucintakam |
cintayāmi na sandeho naraṁ taṁ cātmavat sadā ||
(Skanda Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.375)

“[Bhagavān:] No doubt I always think of that person who teaches śāstra related to me and who reflects on śāstra related to me as my own.”


cintayāmi kadācid api na vismarāmīty arthaḥ | yad vā, tasya yoga-kṣemam anusandadhe |

“‘I think’ (cintayāmi) means I never forget [such a person], or, that I [personally] look after their acquisition and protection [i.e., supplying and maintaining their necessities].”


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