लीलानुकूलेषु जनेषु चित्ते
षूत्पन्नभावेषु च साधकानाम् ।
एवं-विधं सर्वमिदं चकास्ति
स्वरूपतः प्राकृतवत्परेषु ॥

līlānukūleṣu janeṣu citte-
ṣūtpanna-bhāveṣu ca sādhakānām |
evaṁ-vidhaṁ sarvam idaṁ cakāsti
svarūpataḥ prākṛtavat pareṣu ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 7.119)

“[Why do Rādhā Kuṇḍa and Śyāma Kuṇḍa appear to someone just like ordinary ponds and not as described here in Govinda-līlāmṛta?] All of this [i.e., the entire environment of and around Rādhā Kuṇḍa and Śyāma Kuṇḍa] shines as such [i.e., as has just been elaborately described in Govinda-līlāmṛta] in reality to persons favorable to the līlā [i.e., to nitya-siddha parikaras] and to the minds of sādhakas of manifest bhāva [i.e., to sādhakas who have attained bhāva-bhakti] but as though mundane (prākṛta) to others [i.e., to those in whom bhāva has not manifest].”


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