लक्ष्मीर्यदङ्घ्रिकमलस्य नखाञ्चलस्य
सौन्दर्यबिन्दुमपि नार्हति लब्धुमीशे ।
सा त्वं विधास्यसि न चेन्मम नेत्रदानं
किं जीवितेन मम दुःखदवाग्निदेन ॥

lakṣmīr yad-aṅghri-kamalasya nakhāñcalasya
saundarya-bindum api nārhati labdhum īśe |
sā tvaṁ vidhāsyasi na cen mama netra-dānaṁ
kiṁ jīvitena mama duḥkha-davāgnidena ||
(Vilāpa-kusumāñjali: 101)

“O Īśā, if you—she even a drop of the beauty of the tips of the nails of whose lotus feet [even] Lakṣmī is unable to attain—do not grant me eyes [i.e., vision of your līlā and so forth], [then] what is the use of this life of mine which causes a forest fire of suffering?”


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