हे श्रीवासादय इह कृपामूर्तयो गौरचन्द्र-
प्रेमाम्बुधेः सुरविटपिनः शान्तसौम्यस्वभावाः ।
दीनोद्धारे प्रबलनियमाः प्रेमदा यूयमेव
तस्मादज्ञं प्रपदरजसा पापिनं मां पुनीत ॥

he śrīvāsādaya iha kṛpā-mūrtayo gauracandra-
premāmbudheḥ sura-viṭapinaḥ śānta-saumya-svabhāvāḥ |
dīnoddhāre prabala-niyamāḥ premadā yūyam eva
tasmād ajñaṁ prapada-rajasā pāpinaṁ māṁ punīta ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.12)

“O Śrīvāsa and so forth! O Embodiments of grace! You are all desire-trees [manifest] from the ocean of prema for Gauracandra, of peaceful and tranquil nature, and givers of prema who are most firm in your vows to deliver the poor. Therefore, please purify me, an ignorant sinner, with the dust from the tips of our feet.”


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