Pārṣadas of Caitanya Mahāprabhu

pada-kāntyā jita-madano

pada-kāntyā jita-madano
mukha-kāntyā khaṇḍita-kamala-maṇi-garvaḥ |
kṛpayatu mayi gaura-govindaḥ ||
(Unknown source; cited in Sādhana-dīpikā: 2)

“May Gaura Govinda—
He by the splendor of whose feet
Madana [i.e., Kāma] is vanquished,
He by the splendor of whose face
The pride of lotuses and jewels is crushed,
He at whose feet Śrī Rūpa has taken shelter—
Bestow grace upon me.”

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sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann

sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann
ānanda-sindhuṁ paritaḥ pravardhayan |
antas-tamaḥ-stoma-haraḥ sa rājatāṁ
caitanya-rūpo vidhur adbhutodayaḥ ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 2)

“The Dispeller of the mass of inner darkness,
The Moon of astonishing arising,
He of conscious (caitanya) form [i.e., Svayaṁ Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa],
Manifesting an eternal (sanātanaṁ) form (rūpaṁ) here [i.e., in this world during his avatāra],
And causing an ocean of bliss to swell in all directions.”

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śrīvāsādi yata mahāprabhura bhakta-gaṇa

śrīvāsādi yata mahāprabhura bhakta-gaṇa |
nija-nija-bhāve karena caitanya-sevana ||
paṇḍita-gosāñi-ādi yāra yei rasa |
sei sei rase prabhu hana tāra vaśa ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.17.300–301)

“All of Mahāprabhu’s bhaktas, Śrīvāsa and so forth, engage in service to Caitanya with their own respective bhāvas. Prabhu becomes captivated by Paṇḍita Gosāñi [i.e., Gadādhara Paṇḍita Gosvāmī] and others by the respective rasas which they each have.”

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śrīvāsa-paṇḍitaṁ naumi gaurāṅga-priya-pārṣadam

śrīvāsa-paṇḍitaṁ naumi gaurāṅga-priya-pārṣadam |
yasya kṛpā-lavenāpi gaurāṅge jāyate ratiḥ ||
(Unknown source)

“I offer obeisance to Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita, the beloved pārṣada of Gaurāṅga, by even a trace of whose grace rati for Gaurāṅga manifests.”

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