ये तीर्थप्रमिताः पुनन्ति जगतः सद्वैद्यकल्पाः प्रति
कुर्वन्तीन्दुनिभाः कृपामृतरुचोऽप्याप्याययन्ति स्वयम् ।
सुस्निग्धा हरिचन्दनानि कलयन्त्याभूष्यन्त्यद्भुता
रत्नानीव हि तान्नमामि सततं श्रीवासमुख्यान्मुहुः ॥
ye tīrtha-pramitāḥ punanti jagataḥ sad-vaidya-kalpāḥ prati
kurvantīndu-nibhāḥ kṛpāmṛta-ruco’py āpyāyayanti svayam |
susnigdhā haricandanāni kalayanty ābhūṣyanty adbhutā
ratnānīva hi tān namāmi satataṁ śrīvāsa-mukhyān muhuḥ ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.12)
“They who are manifest tīrthas that purify the world,
They who provide real medical treatment [for the world, i.e., who treat the disease of material existence itself],
They who resemble moons and personally delight [the world] with the nectarean luster of their grace,
They who finely soothe [the world] like yellow sandalwood,
They who adorn [the world] like astonishing jewels—
I offer obeisance now and forever to those [associates of Śrī Gaurāṅga] led by Śrīvāsa.”