हा देवि काकुभरगद्गदयाद्य वाचा
याचे निपत्य भुवि दण्डअवदुद्भटार्तिः ।
अस्य प्रसादमबुधस्य जनस्य कृत्वा
गान्धर्विके निजगणे गणनां विधेहि ॥

hā devi kāku-bhara-gadgadayādya vācā
yāce nipatya bhuvi daṇḍavad udbhaṭārtiḥ |
asya prasādam abudhasya janasya kṛtvā
gāndharvike nija-gaṇe gaṇanāṁ vidhehi ||
(Stava-mālā: Gāndharvā-prārthanāṣṭakam, 2)

“Hā! O Devī! Today, filled with intense heartache, I fall prostrate in obeisance on the ground [before you] and pray [to you] with a faltering voice filled with sorrow: O Gāndharvikā! Please bestow your grace upon this foolish fellow and count him within your own retinue.” 


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