
A meditation on Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa referred to in the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Hari-bhakti-vilāsa (3.115) and Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.57).

Excerpted from Gautamīya Tantra (10.142–159) and Nārada Pañcarātra (4.6.1–17).

नवीननीरदश्यामं नीलेन्दीवरलोचनम् ।
बल्लवीनन्दनं वन्दे कृष्णं गोपालरूपिणम् ॥१॥

navīna-nīrada-śyāmaṁ nīlendīvara-locanam |
ballavī-nandanaṁ vande kṛṣṇaṁ gopāla-rūpiṇam ||1||

Swarthy like a fresh raincloud,
Eyes like blue lotuses,
The Son of a ballavī,
I worship,
Bearing the figure of a cowherd …

स्फुरद्बर्हिदलोद्बद्धनीलकुञ्चितमूर्धजम् ।
कदम्बकुसुमोद्बद्धवनमालाविभूषितम् ॥२॥

sphurad-barhi-dalodbaddha-nīla-kuñcita-mūrdhajam |
kadamba-kusumodbaddha-vanamālā-vibhūṣitam ||2||

A shining peacock feather
Tied in his dark wavy hair,
Decorated with a forest garland
Tied with kadamba fowers, … 

गण्डमण्डलसंसर्गिचलत्काञ्चनकुन्तलम् ।
स्थूलं मुक्ताफलोदारहारोद्योतितवक्षसम् ॥३॥

gaṇḍa-maṇḍala-saṁsargi-calat-kāñcana-kuntalam |
sthūlaṁ muktāphalodāra-hārodyotita-vakṣasam ||3||

Dangling golden earrings
Touching the orbs of his cheeks,
His broad chest illuminated
By a splendid pearl necklace, …

हेमाङ्गदतुलाकोटिकिरीटोज्ज्वलविग्रहम् ।
मन्दमारुतसंक्षोभिवलिताम्बरसञ्चयम् ॥४॥

hemāṅgada-tulākoṭi-kirīṭojjvala-vigraham |
manda-mārūta-saṅkṣobhi-valitāmbara-sañcayam ||4||

His figure effulgent
With golden bracelets, anklets, and crest,
His garments disheveled
And swaying in the gentle breeze, …

रुचिरौष्ठपुटन्यस्तवंशीमधुरनिःस्वनैः ।
लसद्गोपालिकाचेतो मोहयन्तं पुनः पुनः ॥५॥

rucirauṣṭha-puṭa-nyasta-vaṁśī-madhura-niḥsvanaiḥ |
lasad-gopālikā-ceto mohayantaṁ punaḥ punaḥ ||5||

Enchanting again and again
The hearts of frolicking gopīs
With the mellifluous sounds of his flute
Fixed at the hollow of his sweet lips, …

बल्लवीवदनाम्भोजमधुपानमधुव्रतम् ।
क्षोभयन्तं मनस्तासां सस्मेरापाङ्गवीक्षणैः ॥६॥

ballavī-vadanāmbhoja-madhu-pāna-madhu-vratam |
kṣobhayantaṁ manas tāsāṁ sasmerāpāṅga-vīkṣaṇaiḥ ||6||

A bumblebee drinking the nectar
Of the lotus faces of the ballavīs,
Exciting their minds
With his smiling, sidelong glances, …

यौवनोद्भिन्नदेहाभिः संसक्ताभिः परस्परम् ।
विचित्राम्बरभूषाभिर्गोपनारीभिरावृतम् ॥७॥

yauvanodbhinna-dehābhiḥ saṁsaktābhiḥ parasparam |
vicitrāmbara-bhūṣābhir gopa-nārībhir āvṛtam ||7||

Surrounded by [these] gopa women,
Reciprocally enamored,
With colorful garments and ornaments,
And bodies bursting forth with youth, …  

प्रभिन्नाञ्जनकालिन्दीजलकेलिकलोत्सुकम् ।
योधयन्तं क्वचिद्गोपान् व्याहरन्तं गवां गणम् ॥८॥

prabhinnāñjana-kālindī-jala-keli-kalotsukam |
yodhayantaṁ kvacid gopān vyāharantaṁ gavāṁ gaṇam ||8||

Eager for the art of sporting
In the waters of the Kālindī
Resembling mixed collyrium,
Sometimes battling with gopas,
And [sometimes] calling herds of cows, … 

कालिन्दीजलसंसर्गिशीतलानिलसेविते ।
कदम्बपादपच्छाये स्थितं वृन्दावने क्वचित् ॥९॥

kālindī-jala-saṁsargi-śītalānila-sevite |
kadamba-pādapa-cchāye sthitaṁ vṛndāvane kvacit ||9||

Sometimes situated in Vṛndāvana,
In the shade of a kadamba tree
Attended by cool breezes
Bearing [mist from] the water of the Kālindī, …

रत्नभूधरसंलग्नरत्नासनपरिग्रहम् ।
कल्पपादपमध्यस्थहेममण्डपिकागतम् ॥१०॥

ratna-bhūdhara-saṁlagna-ratnāsana-parigraham |
kalpa-pādapa-madhyastha-hema-maṇḍapikā-gatam ||10||

Accepting a jeweled seat
Fixed atop of hillock of jewels
Situated beneath a golden pavilion
Set amid desire-trees, …

वसन्तकुसुमामोदसुरभीकृतदिङ्मुखे ।
गोवर्धनगिरौ रम्ये स्थितं रासरसोत्सुकम् ॥११॥

vasanta-kusumāmoda-surabhī-kṛta-diṅ-mukhe |
govardhana-girau ramye sthitaṁ rāsa-rasotsukam ||11||

In the midst of directions
Made fragrant by the perfume
Of spring flowers;
[Sometimes] Situated on lovely Govardhana Hill,
Eager for the rasa of rāsa, …

सव्यहस्ततलन्यस्तगिरिवर्यातपत्रकम् ।
खण्डिताखण्डलोन्मुक्तमुक्तासारघनाघनम् ॥१२॥

savya-hasta-tala-nyasta-giri-varyātapatrakam |
khaṇḍitākhaṇḍalonmukta-muktāsāra-ghanāghanam ||12||

Making an umbrella
Of this best of hills
Fixed on palm of his left hand,
He dispelled the heavy downpour
From the clouds cast by Indra, …

वेणुवाद्यमहोल्लासैः कृतहुङ्कारनिःस्वनैः ।
सवत्सैरुन्मुखैः शश्वद्गोपालैरभिवीक्षितम् ॥१३॥

veṇu-vādya-mahollāsaiḥ kṛta-huṅkāra-niḥsvanaiḥ |
sa-vatsair unmukhaiḥ śaśvad gopālair abhivīkṣitam ||13||

Always observed by eager cowherds,
Along with their calves,
Making roaring sounds,
Highly delighted by the play of the flute, …

कृष्णमेवानुगायद्भिस्तच्चेष्टावशवर्तिभिः ।
दण्डपाशोद्यतकरैर्गोपालैरुपशोभितम् ॥१४॥

kṛṣṇam evānugāyadbhis tac-ceṣṭā-vaśavartibhiḥ |
daṇḍa-pāśodyata-karair gopālair upaśobhitam ||14||

Embellished by cowherds
Singing along [with him]
And following his movements
With sticks and ropes in their raised hands, …

नारदाद्यैर्मुनिश्रेष्ठैर्वेदवेदाङ्गपारगैः ।
प्रीतिसुस्निग्धया वाचा स्तूयमानं परात्परम् ॥१५॥

nāradādyair muni-śreṣṭhair veda-vedāṅga-pāragaiḥ |
prīti-susnigdhayā vācā stūyamānaṁ parāt param ||15||

Higher than the highest,
And being praised with words
Of adoration and rich affection
By the best of sages,
Led by Nārada,
Fully conversant in the Vedas and Vedāṅgas—

य एवं चिन्तयेद्देवं भक्त्या संस्तौति मानवः ।
त्रिसन्ध्यं तस्य तुष्टोऽसौ ददाति वरमीप्सितम् ॥१६॥

ya evaṁ cintayed devaṁ bhaktyā saṁstauti mānavaḥ |
trisandhyaṁ tasya tuṣṭo’sau dadāti varam īpsitam ||16||

Deva [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] is pleased with a person who shall meditate in this way [upon him] and highly praise him with bhakti at the three junctures [of the day]; he grants the desired boon [of that person].

राजवल्लभतामेति भवेत्सर्वजनप्रियः ।
अचलां श्रियमाप्नोति स वाग्मी जायते ध्रुवम् ॥१७॥

rāja-vallabhatām eti bhavet sarva-jana-priyaḥ |
acalāṁ śriyam āpnoti sa vāgmī jāyate dhruvam ||17||

He [i.e., that person] can attain the status of [being] the king’s favorite. He can become dear to all people. He attains unwavering fortune. Eloquence verily arises [in him].

॥ इति श्रीनारदपञ्चरात्रे गोपालस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥

|| iti śrī-nārada-pañcarātre gopāla-stotraṁ samāptam ||

Thus the Gopāla-storam in Śrī Nārada Pañcarātra is concluded.




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