Gautamīya Tantra

ka-kāraḥ puruṣaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ

ka-kāraḥ puruṣaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ |
ī-kāraḥ prakṛtī rādhā nitya-vṛndāvaneśvarī ||
laś cānandātmakaṁ prema-sukhaṁ tayoś ca kīrtitam |
cumbanāśleṣa-mādhuryaṁ bindu-nādaḥ samīritaḥ ||
(Bṛhad Gautamīya-tantra; cited in the Mantrārtha-dīpikā)

“[The meaning of the letters in the seed (bīja) klīṁ are explained as follows:] The letter k is the Puruṣa, Kṛṣṇa, who is possessed of a form of eternal being, consciousness, and bliss. The letter ī is the Prakṛti, Rādhā, the Īśvarī of eternal Vṛndāvana. [The letter] L, furthermore, is said to be the blissful pleasure of their prema [for one another]. The bindu sound [i.e., the anusvara—ṁ] is refers to the sweetness of [their] kissing and embracing.”

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A meditation on Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa referred to in the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Hari-bhakti-vilāsa and Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu.

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barhāpīḍābhirāmaṁ mṛgamada-tilakaṁ kuṇḍalākrānta-gaṇḍaṁ

barhāpīḍābhirāmaṁ mṛgamada-tilakaṁ kuṇḍalākrānta-gaṇḍaṁ
kañjākṣaṁ kambu-kaṇṭhaṁ smita-subhaga-mukhaṁ svādhare nyasta-veṇum |
śyāmaṁ śāntaṁ tri-bhaṅgaṁ ravi-kara-vasanaṁ bhūṣitaṁ vaijayantyā
vande vṛndāvana-sthaṁ yuvati-śata-vṛtaṁ brahma gopāla-veśam ||
(Gautamīya Tantra: Gopāla-kavaca, 1)

“Charming with a peacock-plume chaplet,
His tilaka [made of] musk,
His cheeks flanked by earrings,
His eyes like lotuses,
His throat like a conchshell,
His face lovely with a smile,
A veṇu fixed at his lips,
His cloth like the rays of the sun,
[And] Decorated with a vaijayantī [i.e., a victory garland]—
I worship Brahman,
Situated in Vṛndāvana,
Surround by hundreds of young women,
In the garb of a cowherd.”

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devī kṛṣṇamayī proktā rādhikā para-devatā

devī kṛṣṇamayī proktā rādhikā para-devatā |
sarva-lakṣmīmayī sarva-kāntiḥ sammohinī parā ||
(Bṛhad Gautamīya Tantra; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.4.83, 2.23.68)

“She is known as Devī, Kṛṣṇamayī, Rādhikā, Paradevatā, Sarvalakṣmīmayī, Sarvakānti, Sammohinī, and Parā.”

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kṛṣi-śabdaś ca sattārtho ṇaś cānanda-svarūpakaḥ

kṛṣi-śabdaś ca sattārtho ṇaś cānanda-svarūpakaḥ |
sukha-rūpo bhaved ātmā bhāvānanda-mayatvataḥ ||
(Gautamīya-tantra; cited in Jīva Gosvāmī’s ṭīkā to Brahma-saṁhitā: 5.1)

“The word kṛṣ means existence, and [the word] ṇa means that which is of the nature of bliss. The Ātmā is the very form of joy because he is constituted of the bliss of bhāva [i.e., existence, alt., prema].”

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