एतां स आस्थाय परात्मनिष्ठा-
मध्यासितां पूर्वतमैर्महर्षिभि: ।
अहं तरिष्यामि दुरन्तपारं
तमो मुकुन्दाङ्घ्रिनिषेवयैव ॥
etāṁ sa āsthāya parātma-niṣṭhām
adhyāsitāṁ pūrvatamair mahadbhiḥ |
ahaṁ tariṣyāmi duranta-pāraṁ
tamo mukundāṅghri-niṣevayaiva ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.23.57; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.3.6)
“Taking shelter in fixity in the higher self [alt., Self], as it was practiced by the great souls of the past, I shall cross over the insurmountable darkness [i.e., saṁsāra] by serving the feet of Mukunda.”