śrīmad-rūpa-padābja-dhūlim alike nityaṁ dadhe yā manāg
śrīmad-rūpa-padābja-dhūlim alike nityaṁ dadhe yā manāg
ghrātā hṛn-madhupaṁ mamānayad aho kṛṣṇāṅghri-tṛṣṇāṅghripam |
yaḥ saṁsāra-mataṅgajāṅga-madirāṁ vyasmārayat svai rasair
yad-gandhāṇu-lavo’pi karṣati dhṛtottarṣaṁ munīndrān api ||
(Stavāmṛta-laharī: Nikuñja-keli-virudāvalī: 70)
Forever I hold upon my forehead
The pollen of the lotus feet of Śrīmad Rūpa,
Which upon being smelled [just] slightly
Have drawn the bee [lit., nectar-drinker] of my heart
To the desire-tree of Kṛṣṇa’s feet,
Which with their own nectars
Have caused forgetfulness of the rut juice
Of the elephant of saṁsāra,
And even a minute trace of the fragrance of which
Attracts even the best of the sages
And fills them with intense desire.”
śrīmad-rūpa-padābja-dhūlim alike nityaṁ dadhe yā manāg Read on →