

sambhoga-cihnāṅkita-sarva-gātram |
pavitram āmnāya-girām agamyaṁ
brahma prapadye navanīta-cauram ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 2.51 (Southern recension); cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 3.25)

“His entire body

Marked with the signs of enjoyment

With artful gopī lovers,


And unattainable by the words of Vedas—

I take shelter in Brahman,

The thief of fresh butter.”

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cintāmaṇiś caraṇa-bhūṣaṇam aṅganānāṁ

cintāmaṇiś caraṇa-bhūṣaṇam aṅganānāṁ
śṛṅgāra-puṣpa-taravas taravaḥ surāṇām |
vṛndāvane vraja-dhanaṁ nanu kāma-dhenu-
vṛndāni ceti sukha-sindhur aho vibhūtiḥ ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.173; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.14.228)

“‘Nanu! In Vṛndāvana, the ladies’ foot-ornaments are thought-jewels, the decorative flowering trees are desire-trees [lit., trees of the suras], and the communal wealth is herds of desire-cows. Aho! The opulence [here] is thus an ocean of joy!”

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tvac-chaiśavaṁ tribhuvanādbhutam ity avehi

tvac-chaiśavaṁ tribhuvanādbhutam ity avehi
mac-cāpalaṁ ca tava vā mama vādhigamyam |
tat kiṁ karomi viralaṁ muralī-vilāsi
mugdhaṁ mukhāmbujam udīkṣitum īkṣaṇābhyām ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 32; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.2.61)

“O Flute Player, you know that your youth astonishes the three worlds, and both you and I know of my restlessness [because of it]. So, what can I do to behold with my eyes your attractive, rarely seen lotus face?”

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amūny adhanyāni dināntarāṇi

amūny adhanyāni dināntarāṇi
hare tvad-ālokanam antareṇa |
anātha-bandho karuṇaika-sindho
hā hanta hā hanta kathaṁ nayāmi ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 41; cited Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.2.58)

“O Hari! O Friend of the helpless! O one and only Ocean of mercy! Hā! Hanta! Hā! Hanta! How shall I pass these unfortunate days and nights without sight of you?”

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madhuraṁ madhuraṁ vapur asya vibhor

madhuraṁ madhuraṁ vapur asya vibhor
madhuraṁ madhuraṁ vadanaṁ madhuram |
madhu-gandhi mṛdu-smitam etad aho
madhuraṁ madhuraṁ madhuraṁ madhuram ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 92; cited in Caitanya-caritṁṛta: 2.21.136)

“Sweet, sweet
Is this Vibhu’s [i.e., all-pervading Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s] figure.
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Is his face.
This gentle, honey-scented smile [of his]
Is sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet.”

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citraṁ tad etac caraṇāravindaṁ

citraṁ tad etac caraṇāravindaṁ
citraṁ tad etan nayanāravindam |
citraṁ tad etad vadanāravindaṁ
citraṁ tad etad vapur asya citram ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 89)

“Wondrous are these lotus feet!
Wondrous are these lotus eyes
Wondrous is this lotus face
Wondrous, wondrous is this figure of his!”

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saṅketāvasare cyute praṇayataḥ saṁsajjayā rādhayā

saṅketāvasare cyute praṇayataḥ saṁsajjayā rādhayā
prārabhya bhrū-kuṭiṁ hiraṇya-raśanā-dāmnā nibaddhodaram |
kārttikyāṁ jananī-kṛtotsava-vara-prastāvanā-pūrvakaṁ
cāṭūni prathayan tam ātta-pulakaṁ dhyāyema dāmodaram ||
(Bhaviṣya Purāṇa: Uttara-khaṇḍa; cited in the Sāraṅga-raṅgadā-ṭīkā on Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 110)

“When he missed the time of a tryst [planned for the full moon night in the month of Kārttika, and arrived late], fully prepared Rādhā, out of praṇaya [lsy., intimate love], first furrowed her brows and then bound him around the belly with the band of her golden girdle. When he coaxed her, explaining he had been at the commencement of the grand festival conducted by his mother for Kārttika, she released him. Let us meditate on Dāmodara, seized by horripilation [upon being bound and released by his beloved Rādhā].”

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īśāna-deva-caraṇābharaṇena nīvī

īśāna-deva-caraṇābharaṇena nīvī-
dāmodara-sthira-yaśaḥ-stavakodbhavena |
līlāśukena racitaṁ tava kṛṣṇa-deva
karṇāmṛtaṁ vahatu kalpa-śatāntare’pi ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 110)

“O Kṛṣṇadeva, may [this] nectar for your ears [i.e., this text Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta] composed by Līlāśuka [i.e., Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura], whose ornament is the feet of Īśānadeva [i.e., you who are the playful vital air of Rādhā], and whose origin is the bouquet of the everlasting glory of Nīvi-dāmodara [i.e., you who are bound around the belly with the cord of Rādhā’s waistband], flow for hundreds kalpas.”

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viśvāsa-stavakita-cetasaṁ janānām |
paśyāmaḥ pathi pathi śaiśavaṁ murāreḥ ||
(Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 56)

“On every path we see the youthfulness of Murāri, which is tender with the fresh shoots of his ever-new, deep swarthy radiance, and which has taken dīkṣa [i.e., is resolved] solely to subdue the distress of all persons whose hearts have blossomed with faith [in him].”

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