सनातनं रूपमिहोपदर्शय-
न्नानन्दसिन्धुं परितः प्रवर्धयन् ।
अन्तस्तमःस्तोमहरः स राजतां
चैतन्यरूपो विधुरद्भुतोदयः ॥
sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann
ānanda-sindhuṁ paritaḥ pravardhayan |
antas-tamaḥ-stoma-haraḥ sa rājatāṁ
caitanya-rūpo vidhur adbhutodayaḥ ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 2)
“The Dispeller of the mass of inner darkness,
The Moon of astonishing arising,
He of conscious (caitanya) form [i.e., Svayaṁ Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa],
Manifesting an eternal (sanātanaṁ) form (rūpaṁ) here [i.e., in this world during his avatāra],
And causing an ocean of bliss to swell in all directions.”
Translation according to the other intended meaning:
“The Dispeller of the mass of inner darkness,
The Moon of astonishing arising,
He of conscious (caitanya) form [viz., Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu],
Teaching Sanātana and Rūpa here in this world,
And causing an ocean of bliss to swell in all directions.”