श‍ृणुष्वावहितो राजन्नपि गुह्यं वदामि ते ।
ब्रूयु: स्‍निग्धस्य शिष्यस्य गुरवो गुह्यमप्युत ॥ 

śṛṇuṣvāvahito rājann api guhyaṁ vadāmi te |
brūyuḥ snigdhasya śiṣyasya guravo guhyam apy uta ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.13.3)

[Śukadeva Gosvāmī to Parīkṣit Mahārāja:] “O King, listen attentively. Although it [i.e., the answer to your question] is a secret, I will tell you [this], for gurus may indeed speak even secrets before a devout disciple.”


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