भक्तिर्या निखिलार्थवर्गजननी या ब्रह्मसाक्षात्कृते-
रानन्दातिशयप्रदा विषयजात्सौख्याद्विमुक्तिर्यया ।
श्रीराधारमणं पदाम्बुजयुगं यस्या महानाश्रयो
या कार्या व्रजलोकवत्गुरुतरप्रेम्नैव तस्यै नमः ॥
bhaktir yā nikhilārtha-varga-jananī yā brahma-sākṣātkṛter
ānandātiśaya-pradā viṣayajāt saukhyād vimuktir yayā |
śrī-rādhā-ramaṇaṁ padāmbuja-yugaṁ yasyā mahān-āśrayo
yā kāryā vraja-lokavat gurutara-premnaiva tasyai namaḥ ||
(Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.1.1)
“Obeisance unto her, Bhakti [Devī],
Who is the mother of all goals
[i.e., the cause of attaining all the puruṣārthas],
Who is the bestower of bliss
Surpassing [that of] Brahman realization,
By whom complete liberation from pleasure
Produced by the sense objects is attained,
Whose principal shelter
Is the two lotus feet of Śrī Rādhā Ramaṇa,
And who is to be performed with very strong prema
Like the people of Vraja.”