अपृष्ट्वैव भवेन् मूढः ज्ञानं मनसि चिन्तनात् ।
अपूर्णः कुरुते शब्दं न पूर्णः कुरुते घटः ॥
apṛṣṭvaiva bhaven mūḍhaḥ jñānaṁ manasi cintanāt |
apūrṇaḥ kurute śabdaṁ na pūrṇaḥ kurute ghaṭaḥ ||
(Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 2125)
“By not questioning, one becomes foolish. Wisdom comes from reflection in the mind. A vessel that is not full makes noise. A full vessel does not.”
“By not questioning [to clarify one’s doubts and deepen one’s knowledge], one becomes foolish. [Once one’s doubts are cleared,] Wisdom comes from reflection in the mind. [Like a person who does not clarify doubts, does not reflect on what has been learned, still considers oneself wise, and talks excessively and erroneously,] A vessel that is not full makes noise. [Like a reflective person who is free from doubt, endowed with wisdom, and not garrulous in the least,] A full vessel does not.”