बुद्धीन्द्रियमन:प्राणान् जनानामसृजत् प्रभु: ।
मात्रार्थं च भवार्थं च आत्मनेऽकल्पनाय च ॥

buddhīndriya-manaḥ-prāṇān janānām asṛjat prabhuḥ |
mātrārthaṁ ca bhavārthaṁ ca ātmane’kalpanāya ca ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.87.2)

[Translation as per Śrīdhara Svāmīpada’s ṭīkā:] “Prabhu emanated the intellect, senses, mind, and prāṇas of living beings for the sake of the objects [i.e., for the sake of enabling perception of objects of the senses constituted of the five elements], for the sake of production [i.e., for the sake of enabling karma to be performed], for the sake of the ātmā [i.e, for the sake of enabling the ātmā to travel to and experience various lokas], and for the sake of non-formulation [i.e, for the cessation of desire, that is, mukti for the ātmā].”


janānām iti vadan jīvārtham īśvarasya sṛṣṭy-ādiṣu pravṛttir iti darśayati—prabhur iti | īśvarasyopādhi-vaśyatābhāvena nitya-muktatāṁ darśayati | ayam abhiprāyaḥ—sa-guṇam eva guṇair anabhibhūtaṁ sarvajñaṁ sarva-śaktiṁ sarveśvaraṁ sarva-niyantāraṁ sarvopāsyaṁ sarva-karma-phala-pradātāraṁ samasta-kalyāṇa-guṇa-nilayaṁ sac-cid-ānandaṁ bhagavantaṁ śrutayaḥ pratipādayanti |
(Excerpt from the Bhāvārtha-dīpikā)

“By saying ‘of living beings’ (janānām), the speaker shows that Īśvara’s engagement in emanation and so forth [of the material world] is for the sake of the jīvas, and by saying ‘Prabhu’, the speaker shows his status of being eternally liberated by virtue of Īśvara’s [i.e., his] absence of being constrained by any upādhi [i.e., material condition]. The intention is this: the Śrutis make known Bhagavān [i.e., he who is referred to as ‘Prabhu’ in this verse], who is possessed of qualities (guṇas), unaffected by the guṇas [i.e., the material modes], all-knowing, possessed of all śaktis, the Īśvara of everything, the controller of everything, the object to be worshipped by everyone, the bestower of the results of all karmas, the abode of all auspicious qualities, and [a being] of the nature of real existence, consciousness, and bliss.”


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