अलौकिक्या प्रकृत्येयं सुदुरूहा रसस्थितिः ।
यत्र साधारणतया भावाः साधु स्फुरन्त्यमी ॥
एषां स्वपरसम्बन्धनियमानिर्णयो हि यः ।
साधारण्यं तदेवोक्तं भावानां पूर्वसूरिभिः ॥

alaukikyā prakṛtyeyaṁ sudurūhā rasa-sthitiḥ |
yatra sādhāraṇatayā bhāvāḥ sādhu sphuranty amī ||
eṣāṁ sva-para-sambandha-niyamānirṇayo hi yaḥ |
sādhāraṇyaṁ tad evoktaṁ bhāvānāṁ pūrva-sūribhiḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.5.101–102)

“This occurrence of rasa, with its extraordinary nature, is extremely difficult to comprehend, wherein these bhāvas [i.e., the vibhāvas, anubhāvas, and so forth, as well as rati and so forth] genuinely manifest through sādhāraṇatā [i.e., “generalization”]. The non-determination of limitation between self and other in regard to these [i.e., these bhāvas, that is, modern bhaktas sharing in the experience of the bhāvas of ancient bhaktas by ceasing to make a distinction between the bhāvas of the ancient bhakta and themselves, that is, by wholeheartedly identifying with bhāvas of ancient bhaktas] is called generality (sādhāraṇya) of bhāvas by earlier luminaries.”


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