अहो हे पुत्रका यूयमस्मदर्थेऽतिदु:खिता: ।
आत्मा वै प्राणिनां प्रेष्ठस्तमनाद‍ृत्य मत्परा: ॥ 
एतदेव हि सच्छिष्यै: कर्तव्यं गुरुनिष्कृतम् ।
यद्वै विशुद्धभावेन सर्वार्थात्मार्पणं गुरौ ॥ 
तुष्टोऽहं भो द्विजश्रेष्ठा: सत्या: सन्तु मनोरथा: ।
छन्दांस्ययातयामानि भवन्‍त्‍विह परत्र च ॥

aho he putrakā yūyam asmad-arthe’tiduḥkhitāḥ |
ātmā vai prāṇināṁ preṣṭhas tam anādṛtya mat-parāḥ ||
etad eva hi sac-chiṣyaiḥ kartavyaṁ guru-niṣkṛtam |
yad vai viśuddha-bhāvena sarvārthātmārpaṇaṁ gurau ||
tuṣṭo’haṁ bho dvija-śreṣṭhāḥ satyāḥ santu manorathāḥ |
chandāṁsy ayāta-yāmāni bhavantv iha paratra ca ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.80.40–42; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 2.112)

“[Sāndīpani Muni to Kṛṣṇa and Sudāmā after finding that they have endured a night trapped in the forest by a storm after going out to collect firewood for his service]: Aho! O sons! The body is certainly most dear to living beings, but you two, being devoted to me, have disregarded it and been greatly troubled for my sake. Purely offering the entirety of one’s wealth and self to guru—this is indeed the requital of guru to be performed by sincere disciples. Bho! Best of the twice-born! I am satisfied [with you both because of your ideal attitude and conduct as disciples]. In this world and the next may your desires be fulfilled, and may the mantras [i.e., the mantras in the Vedas that I have taught you] be undiminished [i.e., remain ever-fresh and imbued with their essence—may they manifest themselves in your mind and bestow their wisdom and benefit upon you in this life and the next].”


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