यत्किञ्चित्तृणगुल्मकीकटमुखं गोष्ठे समस्तं हि त-
त्सर्वानन्दमयं मुकुन्ददयितं लीलानुकूलं परम् ।
शास्त्रैरेव मुहुर्मुहुः स्फुटमिदं निष्टङ्कितं याछ्ञया
ब्रह्मादेरपि सस्पृहेण तदिदं सर्वं मया वन्द्यते ॥

yat kiñcit tṛṇa-gulma-kīkaṭa-mukhaṁ goṣṭhe samastaṁ hi tat
sarvānandamayaṁ mukunda-dayitaṁ līlānukūlaṁ param |
śāstrair eva muhur muhuḥ sphuṭam idaṁ niṣṭaṅkitaṁ yāchñayā
brahmāder api saspṛheṇa tad idaṁ sarvaṁ mayā vandyate ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 102)

“Everything in Vraja, including the grass, shrubs, and insects, is filled with complete bliss, dear to Mukunda, and greatly favorable to his līlā. This has been clearly described again and again in the śāstra through the prayers of Brahmā, Uddhava, and others. Thus with longing, I bow down to everything there.”


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