
patrāṇi tatra kamale kamalālayānām

patrāṇi tatra kamale kamalālayānām
aṁśena keli-vipināni bhavanti yeṣu |
cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa-
lakṣāvṛteṣu nibhṛtaṁ ramate mukundaḥ ||
tatrādhirājyaṁ kila rādhikām anu
prattaṁ priyeṇeti purāṇa-viśrutam |
ahaṁ tu manye punaruktam eva tad
guṇena tasyāḥ sa ca yad vaśaṁ-gataḥ ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.46 (20-21))

“The petals in the lotus there [i.e., in Gokula] are play-forests with parts (aṁśas) [i.e., specific manifestations] of they whose abodes are lotuses [i.e., of gopīs, who are here described as Lakṣmīs, that is, ‘they who have lotus abodes’] wherein Mukunda privately enjoys within dwelling places [made] of multitudes of thought-jewels enshrouded by lakhs of desire-trees. There, sovereignty has certainly been later granted to Rādhikā by her beloved [i.e., by Mukunda]. Such is well-known from the Purāṇas. I, however, consider that mere repetition [i.e., I consider it redundant] since he is already subjugated by her qualities.”

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patrāṇi tatra kamale kamalālayānām Read on →

hitvānyāḥ kila vāsanā bhajata re vṛndāvanaṁ premadaṁ

hitvānyāḥ kila vāsanā bhajata re vṛndāvanaṁ premadaṁ
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-vilāsa-vāridhi-rasāsvādaṁ na cet vindatha |
tyaktuṁ śaknutha na spṛhām api punas tatraiva hṛd-vṛttayo
viśraddhāḥ śrayata mamaiva satataṁ saṅkalpa-kalpadrumaṁ ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma: 104)

“Oh! Forsake other vāsanās [i.e., proclivities, desires] and worship the bestower of prema, Vṛndāvana. O movements of my heart [i.e., thoughts], if you do not have taste for the rasa of the ocean of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s play, and you also cannot give up desire [for that rasa], then with firm śraddhā [or, even without śraddhā], always take shelter in this desire-tree of resolve (Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma) [since by reciting this text and thereby attaining firm resolve, full taste for that rasa will surely be attained].”

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hitvānyāḥ kila vāsanā bhajata re vṛndāvanaṁ premadaṁ Read on →


svasmin balād iha nivāsayasi svayaṁ yat |
tan me tvadīya-tala-tasthuṣa eva sarva-
saṅkalpa-siddhim api sādhu kuruṣva śīghram ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma: 101)

“O yogapīṭha beneath the desire trees of Vṛndāvana! Since you yourself have forcibly made me reside here, may you also quickly and finely fulfill all the resolves of I who [thus now] reside at your base.”

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vṛndāvanīya-sura-pādapa-yogapīṭha Read on →

vṛndāvane sura-mahīruha-yogapīṭhe

vṛndāvane sura-mahīruha-yogapīṭhe
siṁhāsane sva-ramaṇena virājamānām |
srag-bhūṣaṇādibhir ahaṁ paripūjayāni ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma: 52)

“When you are present with your beloved on the throne at the yogapīṭha beneath the desire trees in Vṛndāvana, I shall worship you with pādya, arghya, incense, a camphor lamp, the four types of foods, garlands, ornaments, and so forth.”

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vṛndāvane sura-mahīruha-yogapīṭhe Read on →

śrīmad-vṛndāvanaṁ ramyaṁ yamunāyāḥ pradakṣiṇaṁ

śrīmad-vṛndāvanaṁ ramyaṁ yamunāyāḥ pradakṣiṇaṁ
śuddha-sphuṭika-saṁsthānaṁ kalpa-vṛkṣa-suśobhitam ||
nānā-varṇa-prasūnānāṁ reṇubhiḥ paripūritaṁ
dhyeyaṁ vṛndāvanaṁ nityaṁ govinda-sthānam avyayam ||
(Unknown Source)

“Śrīmad Vṛndāvana—
On the right of the Yamunā,
An abode of pure crystal—
Is beautifully decorated with desire-trees,
And replete with the pollen of flowers of various colors.
The eternal, imperishable abode of Govinda,
Is to be meditated upon.”

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śrīmad-vṛndāvanaṁ ramyaṁ yamunāyāḥ pradakṣiṇaṁ Read on →

mīnā jālena dāsaiḥ sarasi mṛga-gaṇā vāgurābhi svaraṇye

mīnā jālena dāsaiḥ sarasi mṛga-gaṇā vāgurābhi svaraṇye
hiṁsraiḥ saṁsāra-cakre hari-vimukha-narā māyayā moha-pāśaīḥ |
kārāgāreṣu gāḍhoddhata-nṛpati-bhaṭāis taskarāḥ śṛṅkhalābhir
vṛndāraṇye vayaṁ cādbhuta-rasa-valitais tad-guṇaughair nibaddhāḥ ||
(Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta: 12.18)

“Fish become tightly bound in a lake by fishermen with a net, animals in a deep forest by hunters with traps, human beings averse to Hari in the wheel of saṁsāra by māyā with the ropes of illusion, thieves in jails by forceful hired soldiers of a king with shackles, and we with the inundation of its [i.e., Vṛndāvana’s] qualities accompanied by astonishing rasa in the forest of Vṛndā.”

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mīnā jālena dāsaiḥ sarasi mṛga-gaṇā vāgurābhi svaraṇye Read on →

yat kiñcit tṛṇa-gulma-kīkaṭa-mukhaṁ goṣṭhe samastaṁ hi tat

yat kiñcit tṛṇa-gulma-kīkaṭa-mukhaṁ goṣṭhe samastaṁ hi tat
sarvānandamayaṁ mukunda-dayitaṁ līlānukūlaṁ param |
śāstrair eva muhur muhuḥ sphuṭam idaṁ niṣṭaṅkitaṁ yāchñayā
brahmāder api saspṛheṇa tad idaṁ sarvaṁ mayā vandyate ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 102)

“Everything in Vraja, including the grass, shrubs, and insects, is filled with complete bliss, dear to Mukunda, and greatly favorable to his līlā. This has been clearly described again and again in the śāstra through the prayers of Brahmā, Uddhava, and others. Thus with longing, I bow down to everything there.”

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yat kiñcit tṛṇa-gulma-kīkaṭa-mukhaṁ goṣṭhe samastaṁ hi tat Read on →

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