patrāṇi tatra kamale kamalālayānām
aṁśena keli-vipināni bhavanti yeṣu |
cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa-
lakṣāvṛteṣu nibhṛtaṁ ramate mukundaḥ ||
tatrādhirājyaṁ kila rādhikām anu
prattaṁ priyeṇeti purāṇa-viśrutam |
ahaṁ tu manye punaruktam eva tad
guṇena tasyāḥ sa ca yad vaśaṁ-gataḥ ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.46 (20-21))
“The petals in the lotus there [i.e., in Gokula] are play-forests with parts (aṁśas) [i.e., specific manifestations] of they whose abodes are lotuses [i.e., of gopīs, who are here described as Lakṣmīs, that is, ‘they who have lotus abodes’] wherein Mukunda privately enjoys within dwelling places [made] of multitudes of thought-jewels enshrouded by lakhs of desire-trees. There, sovereignty has certainly been later granted to Rādhikā by her beloved [i.e., by Mukunda]. Such is well-known from the Purāṇas. I, however, consider that mere repetition [i.e., I consider it redundant] since he is already subjugated by her qualities.”
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