यस्मिन्यथा वर्तते यो मनुष्य-
स्तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तितव्यं स धर्मः ।
मायाचारो मायया वर्तितव्यः
साध्वाचार साधुना प्रत्युदेय ॥
yasmin yathā vartate yo manuṣyas
tasmiṁs tathā vartitavyaṁ sa dharmaḥ |
māyācāro māyayā vartitavyaḥ
sādhv-ācāraḥ sādhunā pratyudeyaḥ ||
(Mahābhārata: 5.37.7, 12.110.27)
“Dharma is that which is to be acted out in relation to, and accord with, how a person acts [towards oneself, i.e., one should treat others as others treat oneself]. Deceitful behavior is to be employed with one who is deceitful, and honest behavior is to be requited with one who is honest.”