यानास्थाय नरो राजन्न प्रमाद्येत कर्हिचित् ।
धावन्निमील्य वा नेत्रे न स्खलेन्न पतेदिह ॥

yān āsthāya naro rājan na pramādyeta karhicit |
dhāvan nimīlya vā netre na skhalen na pated iha ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.2.35; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.524; Bhakti Sandarbha: 125, 218; Mādhura-kādambinī: 3.3)

“O King, a person who follows these [practices of Bhāgavata-dharma] is never impeded. Even if he runs with his eyes closed, one will not trip or fall here [i.e., he will not fail to attain the result of the practice].”


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