वृन्दावनावनि-पते जय सोम सोम-
मौले सनन्दन-सनातन-नारदेड्य ।
गोपीश्वर व्रज-विलास-युगाङ्घ्रि-पद्मे
प्रीतिं प्रयच्छ नितरां निरुपाधिकम् मे ॥
vṛndāvanāvani-pate jaya soma soma-
maule sanandana-sanātana-nāradeḍya |
gopīśvara vraja-vilāsa-yugāṅghri-padme
prītiṁ prayaccha nitarāṁ nirupādhikam me ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpadruma: 103)
“O protector of the land of Vṛndāvana! Glory to you! O husband of Umā! O you whose crown is the moon! O you are worshipped by Sananda, Sanātana, and Nārada! O guardian of the gopīs! Please bestow upon me firm, unconditional prīti for the lotus feet of the Playful Couple of Vraja.”