उदयं प्रजवादयमेत्यरुण-
स्तरुणीनिचये सहजाकरुणः ।
निभृतं निलयं व्रजनाथ तत-
स्त्वरितोऽट कलिन्दसुतातटतः ॥
udayaṁ prajavād ayam ety aruṇas
taruṇī-nicaye sahajākaruṇaḥ |
nibhṛtaṁ nilayaṁ vraja-nātha tatas
tvarito’ṭa kalinda-sutā-taṭataḥ ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.24)
“The dawn,
By nature merciless to young women,
Has swiftly arrived at the Eastern Mountain.
Therefore, O Lord of Vraja!
Quickly and stealthily go
From the bank of the Yamunā [back] to your home.”
Śrī Rādhikā’s pet mynah, Mañjubhāṣinī, the speaker of this verse, describes the dawn as “by nature merciless to young women” because it is a cause of separating them from their lover and she wishes to express sympathy with Śrī Rādhikā’s reluctance to be displaced from Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s embrace. She mentions the bank of the Yamunā to hint that soon people will be coming there, near Govinda Sthala where Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa are resting, to take their morning baths.