जय जय गोकुलमङ्गलकन्द
व्रजयुवतीततिभृङ्ग्यरविन्द ।
श्रीगोविन्दाच्युत नतशन्द ॥

jaya jaya gokula-maṅgala-kanda
vraja-yuvatī-tati-bhṛṅgy-aravinda |
śrī-govindācyuta nata-śanda ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.28)

“Glory to you! Glory to you!
O Root of Gokula’s good fortune!
[Alt., O Cloud which showers good fortune like rain upon Gokula!]
O Lotus for the bumblebees of Vraja’s young women!
O you by whom Nanda’s bliss is increased at every moment!
O Śrī Govinda! O Acyuta!
O Giver of happiness to the bowed!”


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