त्वां नत्वा याचते धृत्वा तृणं दन्तैरयं जनः ।
स्वदास्यामृतसेकेन जीवयामुं सुदुःखितम् ॥
न मुञ्चेच्छरणायातमपि दुष्टं दयामयः ।
अतो गान्धर्विके हा हा मुञ्चैनं नैव तादृशम् ॥
tvāṁ natvā yācate dhṛtvā tṛṇaṁ dantair ayaṁ janaḥ |
sva-dāsyāmṛta-sekena jīvayāmuṁ suduḥkhitam ||
na muñcec charaṇāyātam api duṣṭaṁ dayāmayaḥ |
ato gāndharvike hā hā muñcainaṁ naiva tādṛśam ||
(Stavāvalī: Premambodha-maranda-stava-rāja, 10–11)
“Bowing to you, holding straw between his teeth, this person is begging: ‘By sprinkling the nectar of your own service, please give life to this most sorrowful one.’ One who is gracious should not reject even a depraved person who has sought shelter. Therefore, O Gāndharvikā! Hā! Hā! Please do not ever reject [even] someone such as this.”