त्वामसौ याचते नत्वा विलुठन्यमुनातटे ।
काकुभिर्व्याकुलस्वान्तो जनो वृन्दावनेश्वरि ॥
कृतागस्केऽप्ययोग्येऽपि जनेऽस्मिन्कुमतावपि ।
दास्यदानप्रदानस्य लवमप्युपपादय ॥
युक्तस्त्वया जनो नैव दुःखितोऽयमुपेक्षितुम् ।
कृपाद्योतद्रवच्चित्तनवनीतासि यत्सदा ॥
tvām asau yācate natvā viluṭhan yamunā-taṭe |
kākubhir vyākula-svānto jano vṛndāvaneśvari ||
kṛtāgaske’py ayogye’pi jane’smin kumatāv api |
dāsya-dāna-pradānasya lavam apy upapādaya ||
yuktas tvayā jano naiva duḥkhito’yam upekṣitum |
kṛpā-dyota-dravac-citta-navanītāsi yat sadā ||
(Stava-mālā: Prārthanā-paddhati, 5–7)
“Offering obeisance to you,
And rolling about on the bank of the Yamunā,
This person of agitated heart,
Begs with cries of sorrow,
O Vṛndāvaneśvarī!
Although a transgressor,
Although unfit,
And although foul-minded,
Please bestow upon this person
Just a tiny portion of the gift
Of a share of [your] service.
It is not proper for this sorrowful person
To be neglected by you,
For the fresh butter of your heart
Is always melting under the sunshine of your grace.”