तवारण्ये देवि ध्रुवमिह मुरारिर्विहरते
सदा प्रेयस्येति श्रुतिरपि विरौति स्मृतिरपि ।
इति ज्ञात्वा वृन्दे चरणमभिवन्दे तव कृपां
कुरुष्व क्षिप्रं मे फलतु नितरां तर्ष-विटपी ॥
हृदि चिरवसदाशामण्डलालम्बपादौ
गुणवति तव नाथौ नाथितुं जन्तुरेषः ।
सपदि भवदनुज्ञां याचते देवि वृन्दे
मयि किर करुणार्द्रां दृष्टिमत्र प्रसीद ॥
tavāraṇye devi dhruvam iha murārir viharate
sadā preyasyeti śrutir api virauti smṛtir api |
iti jñātvā vṛnde caraṇam abhivande tava kṛpāṁ
kuruṣva kṣipraṁ me phalatu nitarāṁ tarṣa-viṭapī ||
hṛdi cira-vasad-āśā-maṇḍalālamba-pādau
guṇavati tava nāthau nāthituṁ jantur eṣaḥ |
sapadi bhavad-anujñāṁ yācate devi vṛnde
mayi kira karuṇārdrāṁ dṛṣṭim atra prasīda ||
(Stava-mālā: Utklikā-vallari: 3–4)
[A prayer to Vṛndā Devī, the presiding devatā of Vṛndāvana:] “O Devī! Both the Śruti and the Smṛti proclaim that Murāri always and everlastingly enjoys with his beloved here in your forest. Understanding this, O Vṛndā, I adoringly offer obeisance at your feet. Please bestow your grace [upon me]. May the tree of my desire [by your grace] quickly and fully bear fruit [i.e., may it grant me the fruit of attaining Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa]. O virtuous one! This person begs for your prompt permission to appeal to your Masters [i.e., Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa], whose feet are the focus of a host of long-standing desires within his heart. O Devī! O Vṛndā! Please cast a glance tender with compassion upon me and be gracious in this regard [so that my desires may bear fruit, since without your grace, the grace of they who are submissive to you—Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa—is most difficult to attain].”