तत्र प्रकटलीलागतभावस्य विरहसंयोगादिलीलावैचित्रीभरवाहित्वेन बलवत्तरत्वातुभयलीलैकीभावानन्तरमपि तन्मयस्तेषामभिमानोऽनुवर्तत एव ।

tatra prakaṭa-līlā-gata-bhāvasya viraha-saṁyogādi-līlā-vaicitrī-bhara-vāhitvena balavattaratvāt ubhaya-līlaikībhāvānantaram api tanmayas teṣām abhimāno’nuvartata eva | 
(Kṛṣṇa Sandarbha: 182)

“In this regard, because the bhāva present in prakaṭa-līlā is more powerful [than the bhāva in aprakaṭa-līlā] on account of its being a flow of an abundance of the wonderfulness of līlās of separation, union, and so forth, even after both līlās [merge and] become one, their [i.e., Kṛṣṇa’s associates’] mentality [i.e., sense of self and relationship to Kṛṣṇa] based on this [prakaṭa-līlā] indeed follows [i.e., remains predominant within them even after they merge into the aprakaṭa-līlā].”


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