तादृशभावं भावं प्रथयितुमिह योऽवतारमायातः ।
आदुर्जनगणशरणं स जयति चैतन्यविग्रहः कृष्णः ॥

tādṛśa-bhāvaṁ bhāvaṁ
prathayitum iha yo’vatāram āyātaḥ |
sa jayati caitanya-vigrahaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ ||
(Prīti Sandarbha: 429)

“May Krṣṇa in the form of Caitanya, he who is the shelter of [even] the most depraved and who descended here [i.e., to this earth] to distribute bhāva of such bhāva [i.e., bhakti constituted of the sakhīs’ bhāva], triumph.”


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