श्रीभागवतेऽस्मिन् भगवत्प्रेमैव सर्वपुरुषार्थशिरोमणित्वेनोद्घुष्यते । तस्य मूलभूताश्रयाणां भक्तानां मध्ये नित्यसिद्धत्व एव तस्य नित्यस्थितिः सम्भवेत्, तेष्वपि मध्ये गोकुलवर्तिनस्तन्मातादय एव श्रेष्ठाः येषां वात्सल्यादिभावविषयीभूतः कृष्णस्तदनुगमनभक्तिमद्भिरेव सुलभो नान्यैर् …।
śrī-bhāgavate’smin bhagavat-premaiva sarva-puruṣārtha-śiromaṇitvenodghuṣyate | tasya mūla-bhūtāśrayāṇāṁ bhaktānāṁ madhye nitya-siddhatva eva tasya nitya-sthitiḥ sambhavet, teṣv api madhye gokula-vartinas tan-mātādaya eva śreṣṭhāḥ yeṣāṁ vātsalyādi-bhāva-viṣayī-bhūtaḥ kṛṣṇas tad-anugamana-bhaktimadbhir eva sulabho nānyair …|
(Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.9.21)
“In this Śrīmad Bhāgavatam only Bhagavat-prema is proclaimed to be the crown jewel of all puruṣārthas. Its [i.e., prema’s] eternal existence is possible within its substrata, bhaktas, only because of their being nitya-siddha. Among them, furthermore, the best are the residents of Gokula, such as his [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s] mother, the object of whose bhāvas of vātsalya and so forth—Kṛṣṇa—is easily attainable only by devotees who follow them [i.e., those residents of Gokula] and not by others [i.e., those who practice bhakti without following the residents of Gokula].”