सखि न स रमणो नाहं रमणीति भिदावयोरास्ते ।
प्रेमरसेनोभयमन इव मदनो निष्पिपेष बलात् ॥

sakhi na sa ramaṇo nāhaṁ ramaṇīti bhidāvayor āste |
prema-rasenobhaya-mana iva madano niṣpipeṣa balāt ||
(Caitanyacandrodaya-nāṭakam: 7.14)

“[Rādhā:] O sakhī, he was not the male lover, and I was not the female lover, as any distinction between us had ceased; it was as though Madana had forcibly ground our minds [together] with prema-rasa.”


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