साधनाभिनिवेशेन कृष्णतद्भक्तयोस्तथा ।
प्रसादेनातिधन्यानां भावो द्वेधाभिजायते ।
आद्यस्तु प्रायिकस्तत्र द्वितीयो विरलोदयः ॥
sādhanābhiniveśena kṛṣṇa-tad-bhaktayos tathā |
prasādenātidhanyānāṁ bhāvo dvedhābhijāyate |
ādyas tu prāyikas tatra dvitīyo viralodayaḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.3.6)
“Bhāva manifests in the greatly fortunate in two ways: (1) by absorption in sādhana and (2) by the grace of Kṛṣṇa or his devotee. In this regard, the first is common, and the second is a rare occurrence.”