स हि भक्तसुखार्थमेव प्रयतते, न तु पृथक्स्वसुखार्थम्, यथा हि भक्तस्तत्सुखार्थमेवेति ।
sa hi bhakta-sukhārtham eva prayatate, na tu pṛthak sva-sukhārtham, yathā hi bhaktas tat-sukhārtham eveti |
(Prīti Sandarbha: 16)
“He [i.e., Bhagavān] endeavors only for the sake of the happiness of [his] bhakta, and not, rather, for the sake of his own happiness separately [from that of his bhakta], just as [his] bhakta does solely for the sake of his happiness.”