प्राग्भक्तेरुदयाद्दोषाः क्षयावशिष्ट एव च ।
दैवोत्पन्नश्च भक्तानां नैवालोच्यः कदाचन ॥
सदुद्देश्यमृत यस्तु मृषापवादमेव च ।
दोषानालोचयत्येव स साधुनिन्दकोऽधमः ॥
prāg bhakter udayād doṣāḥ kṣayāvaśiṣṭa eva ca |
daivotpannaś ca bhaktānāṁ naivālocyaḥ kadācana ||
sad-uddeśyam ṛta yas tu mṛṣāpavādam eva ca |
doṣān ālocayaty eva sa sādhu-nindako’dhamaḥ ||
(Unknown source)

“Faults on the part of bhaktas prior the appearance of bhakti [within them], residual faults, and faults arising by chance should never be discussed. One who discusses such faults without a good intention or does so as simply purposeless condemnation is a defamer of sādhus and very lowly.”


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