
arcye viṣṇau śilā‑dhīr guruṣu nara‑matir vaiṣṇave jāti‑buddhir

arcye viṣṇau śilā‑dhīr guruṣu nara‑matir vaiṣṇave jāti‑buddhir
viṣṇor vā vaiṣṇavānāṁ kali‑mala‑mathane pāda‑tīrthe’mbu‑buddhiḥ |
śrī-viṣṇor nāmni mantre sakala‑kaluṣa‑he śabda‑sāmānya‑buddhir
viṣṇau sarveśvareśe tad‑itara‑sama‑dhīr yasya vā nārakī saḥ ||
(Unknown source; attributed to a southerner in Padyāvalī: 114; cited in Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā on Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.26)

“One who has the notion of a stone in relation to a Deity of Viṣṇu [e.g., a Śālagrāma-śilā], the idea of a man in relation to gurus, the notion of a caste in relation to a Vaiṣṇava, the notion of water in relation to the sacred foot-wash of Viṣṇu or the Vaiṣṇavas, which is a destroyer of the contamination of Kali, the notion of an ordinary word in relation to the name of Śrī Viṣṇu, which is a vanquisher of all sin, or the notion of equality with those other than himself in relation to Viṣṇu, the Īśvara of all Īśvaras, is destined for Nāraka.”

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satāṁ nindā nāmnaḥ paramam aparādhaṁ vitanute

satāṁ nindā nāmnaḥ paramam aparādhaṁ vitanute |
yataḥ khyātiṁ yātaṁ katham u sahate tad‑vigarhām ||
śivasya śrī‑viṣṇor ya iha guṇa‑nāmādi‑sakalaṁ |
dhiyā bhinnaṁ paśyet sa khalu hari‑nāmāhitakaraḥ ||
guror avajñā śruti‑śāstra‑nindanaṁ
tathārthavādo hari‑nāmni kalpanam |
nāmno balād yasya hi pāpa‑buddhir
na vidyate tasya yamair hi śuddhiḥ ||
śubha‑kriyā‑sāmyam api pramādaḥ |
aśraddadhāne vimukhe’py aśṛṇvati
yaś copadeśaḥ śiva‑nāmāparādhaḥ ||
śrutvāpi nāma‑māhātmyaṁ yaḥ prīti‑rahito’dhamaḥ |
ahaṁ‑mamādi‑paramo nāmni so’py aparādha‑kṛt ||
(Padma Purāṇa: 4.25.15–18; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.521–524; Bhakti Sandarbha: 265)

[Śrī Sanat-kumāra to Śrī Nārada:] (1) Defamation of the sat causes the greatest offense to the name. Oh! How can the name tolerate condemnation of those on whose account it has attained renown? (2) One here who shall see with the intellect all of Śiva’s qualities, names, and so forth to be distinct from Śrī Viṣṇu is certainly a committer of enmity towards Hari’s name. (3) Disrespect for the guru, and (4) defamation of the Śrutis and śāstras [are offenses to the name]. Also, (5) [assumption of mere] praise (arthavāda) and (6) fabrication in regard to Hari’s name [are offenses to the name]. (7) The purification of one who has the intention of sinning on the basis of the name’s power [to dispel sin, which is an offense to the name] certainly does not occur by means of regulations. (8) [Considering there to be] Equality [of the name] with all [types of] auspicious acts, such as dharma, rites, renunciation, and sacrifice, is also negligence [in regard to the name, i.e., an offense]. (9) Instructing one who is faithless, averse, or undesirous of hearing [about the name] is an offense to Śiva’s name [alt., to the auspicious name of Śrī Viṣṇu]. (10) Even after having heard about the greatness of the name, one who remains devoid love [for the name], vile, and [someone] for whom ‘I’, ‘mine’, and so forth are primary, is also an offender [of the name].”

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atha pādmoktā daśāpy aparādhāḥ parityājyāḥ

atha pādmoktā daśāpy aparādhāḥ parityājyāḥ | yathā sanat-kumāra-vākyam—sarvāparādha-kṛd api … | aparādhāś caite— satāṁ nindā nāmnaḥ … | ity anena hiṁsādīnāṁ vacanāgocaratvaṁ darśitam | nindādayas tu yathā skānde śrī-mārkaṇḍeya-bhagīratha-saṁvāde—nindāṁ kurvanti ye mūḍhā vaiṣṇavānāṁ mahātmanām | patanti pitṛbhiḥ sārdhaṁ mahāraurava-saṁjñite || hanti nindanti vai dveṣṭi vaiṣṇavān nābhinandati | krudhyate yāti no harṣaṁ darśane patanāni ṣaṭ || iti | tan-nindā-śravaṇe’pi doṣa uktaḥ ‘nindāṁ bhagavataḥ śṛṇvan …’ iti | … tad evaṁ śrī-viṣṇoḥ sarvātmakatvena prasiddhatvāt tasmāt sakāśāt śivasya guṇa-nāmādikaṁ bhinnaṁ śakty-antara-siddham iti yo dhiyāpi paśyed ity arthaḥ | dvayor abheda-tātparyeṇa ṣaṣṭhy-antatve sati śrī-viṣṇoś cety apekṣya ca-śabdaḥ kriyeta | tat-prādhānya-vivakṣayaiva śrī-śabdaś ca tatraiva dattaḥ | ata eva ‘śiva-nāmāparādhaḥ’ iti śiva-śabdena mukhyatayā śrī-viṣṇur eva pratipādita ity abhipretam | sahasra-nāmādau ca sthāṇu-śivādi-śabdās tathaiva | atha śruti-śāstra-nindanam—yathā pāṣaṇḍa-mārgeṇa dattātreya-rṣabhadevopāsakānāṁ pāṣaṇḍinām | tathā arthavādaḥ stuti-mātram idam iti mananam | kalpanaṁ tan-māhātmya-gauṇatā-karaṇāya gaty-antara-cintanam | yathoktaṁ kaurme vyāsa-gītāyāṁ—deva-drohād guru-drohaḥ koṭi-koṭi-guṇādhikaḥ | jñānāpavādo nāstikyaṁ tasmāt koṭi-guṇādhikam || iti | … nāmno balād iti | yadyapi bhaven nāmno balenāpi kṛtasya pāpasya tena nāmnā kṣayaḥ, tathāpi yena nāmno balena parama-puruṣārtha-svarūpaṁ sac-cid-ānanda-sāndraṁ sākṣāc-chrī-bhagavac-caraṇāravindaṁ sādhayituṁ pravṛttaḥ, tenaiva parama-ghṛṇāspadaṁ pāpa-viṣayaṁ sādhayatīti parama-daurātmyam | tataḥ kadarthayaty eva tan-nāma ceti tat-pāpa-koṭi-mahattamasyāparādhasyāpāto bāḍham eva | tato yamair bahubhir yama-niyamādibhiḥ kṛta-prāyaścittasya krameṇa prāptādhikārair anekair api daṇḍa-dharair vā kṛta-daṇḍasya tasya śuddhy-abhāvo yukta eva nāmāparādha-yuktānām ity-ādi vakṣyamāṇānusāreṇa punar api satata-nāma-kīrtana-mātrasya tatra prāyaścittatvāt, sarvāparādha-kṛd api ity-ādy-ukty-anusāreṇa nāmāparādha-yuktasya bhagavad-bhaktimato’py adhaḥpāta-lakṣaṇa-bhoga-niyamāc ca | … atha ‘dharma-vrata-tyāgaḥ’ iti dharmādibhiḥ sāmya-mananam api pramādaḥ, aparādho bhavatīty arthaḥ | … atha aśraddadhāne ity-ādinopadeṣṭur aparādhaṁ darśayitvopadeśyasyāha—śrutveti | yataḥ ahaṁ-mamādi-paramaḥ ahantā-mamatādy-eka-tātparyeṇa tasminn anādaravān ity arthaḥ | ‘nāmaikaṁ yasya vāci smaraṇa-patha-gatam’ ity-ādau deha-draviṇādi-nimittaka-pāṣaṇḍa-śabdena ca daśāparādhā lakṣyante pāṣaṇḍamayatvāt teṣām | tathā tad-vidhānām evāparādhāntaram uktaṁ pādma-vaiśākha-māhātmye—avamanya prayānti ye bhagavat-kīrtanaṁ narāḥ | te yānti narakaṁ ghoraṁ tena pāpena karmaṇā || iti | eṣāṁ cāparādhānām ananya-prāyaścittatvam evoktaṁ tatraiva—nāmāparādha-yuktānāṁ nāmāny eva haranty agham | aviśrānti-prayuktāni tāny evārthakarāṇi ca || iti | atra sat-prabhṛtiṣv aparādhe tu tat-santoṣārtham eva santata-nāma-kīrtanādikaṁ samucitam | ambarīṣa-caritādau tad-eka-kṣamyatvenāparādhānāṁ darśanāt | uktaṁ ca nāma-kaumudyām—‘mahad-aparādhasya bhoga eva nivartakaḥ tad-anugraho vā’ iti | tasmād gaty-antarābhāvāt sādhūktam ‘etan nirvidyamānānām’ iti | evaṁ śrī-nāradenoktaṁ bṛhan-nāradīye—mahimnām api yan nāmnaḥ pāraṁ gantum anīśvarāḥ | manavo’pi munīndrāś ca kathaṁ taṁ kṣuṇṇa-dhīr bhaje || iti ||
(Excerpt from Bhakti Sandarbha: 265)

“Then, the ten offenses stated in Padma Purāṇa are to be avoided in full as per the statement of Sanat-kumara [in PP 4.25.12-13]: sarvāparādha-kṛd api … . And these are the offenses: satāṁ nindā nāmnaḥ … [as stated in PP 4.25.15–18]. …
“[The following explanation of the offenses is then offered:] (1) ‘Defamation of the sat’ (satāṁ nindā)—by this [statement] violence and so forth [i.e., and other forms of offense more grievous than defamation] are shown to be outside the scope of speech [i.e., so greatly offensive that there is no need to even mention them]. Defamation and so forth are indeed [described] in the conversation of Śrī Mārkaṇḍeya and Bhagīratha in Skanda Purāṇa: ‘Fools who engage in defamation of great Vaiṣṇavas fall into that which is known as Mahāraurava along with their forefathers. Striking, defaming, despising, not respectfully greeting, getting angry with, and not being joyful upon seeing Vaiṣṇavas are six causes of falling [into naraka].’ A fault is [also] stated [to exist] even in the case of [only] hearing defamation of them [i.e., bhaktas of Bhagavān; meaning, it is not only an offense to speak defamation of Vaiṣṇavas but also to listen to it] as per [the statement] nindāṁ Bhagavataḥ śṛṇvan [in SB 10.74.40]. …
“(2) Thus, in this way [i.e., as per the numerous statements from śāstra cited in this section to show that all the names of the various devas are actually names of Bhagavān Viṣṇu which he has allotted to those devas], because of Śrī Viṣṇu’s being well known to be all-containing [i.e., the ultimate being who contains even all the other devas], one who shall see even with the intellect the qualities, names, and so forth of Śiva to be distinct from him [i.e., from Śrī Viṣṇu], that is, [to be] existent by means of another potency (śakti) [i.e., a potency thought to belong to another devatā rather than to belong ultimately to Śrī Viṣṇu himself and be invested into such a devatā by Śrī Viṣṇu, is an offender of the name] is the meaning. If there was a sixth case ending [intended to be read in the word Viṣṇoḥ in the verse, which as per the rules of grammar can be interpreted to be in either the fifth or the sixth case] with the intent of [conveying the] nondistinction between the two [i.e., between Śiva and Viṣṇu], then [the phrase] ‘and of Śrī Viṣṇu’ (Śrī-Viṣṇoś ca) would have been expected [to have been found in the text] and the word ‘and’ (ca) would have been used [to fulfill this expectation; this is to say, since the word ‘and’ (ca) was not used in the text following the compound Śrī-Viṣṇoś, this compound should be interpreted to be in the fifth grammatical case rather than the sixth]. With the intention specifically of his [i.e., Viṣṇu’s] preeminence [in comparison to Śiva], the word śrī was also used only there [i.e., only in compound with the word Viṣṇu, and not with the word Śiva]. Therefore, in regard to the compound ‘an offense to the name of Śiva’ (Śiva-nāmāparādhaḥ) [stated in the later verse regarding the ninth offense], that Śrī Viṣṇu in particular is primarily referred to by the word Śiva is intended. In the Viṣṇu-sahasra-nāma and elsewhere as well, the names Sthāṇu, Śiva, and so forth are just the same [i.e., they refer primarily to Śrī Viṣṇu rather than to Śiva even though they are commonly understood to refer primarily to Śiva].
“Then [i.e., the third offense is not elaborated on in the text, likely because the explanation of the first offense applies to offense related to the guru as well], (4) defamation of the Śrutis and śāstras is as in the case of heretics (pāṣaṇḍis), that is, worshipers of Dattātreya and Ṛṣabhadeva, in accord with the path of a heresy [i.e., it refers to the fundamental heresy of rejection of the authority of the Śrutis and other śāstras].
“(5) Also, ‘praise’ (arthavādaḥ) refers to considering, ‘This is mere praise’ [i.e., opining that the śāstra’s descriptions of the greatness of the name are mere hyperbole]. (6) Fabricating (kalpanam) refers to thinking in another manner [about the meaning of Hari’s name] for the purpose of making its greatness secondary [i.e., construing the names of Hari to be merely figurative and opining that they are not actually inherently possessed of the meaning, greatness, and potency that the great ones (mahātmās) have experienced the names to manifest], as stated in the Vyāsa-gītā in Kūrma Purāṇa: ‘Offense to guru is tens of millions of times worse than offense to the Deity. But denial of knowledge [i.e., intentionally reinterpreting śāstra so as to construe it to be merely metaphorical, mythological, and the like] and disbelief [in the śāstra] are ten millions times worse than that [i.e., than offense to guru].’
“(7) In regard to nāmno balāt … [i.e., the seventh offense], although the destruction even of sin performed based on the strength of the name shall occur by means of that [very same] name, still if one performs a sinful act, which is an object of extreme repugnance, on the basis of that very same strength of the name by which one has endeavored to attain the lotus feet of Śrī Bhagavān himself, which are constituted of eternal being, consciousness, and intense bliss and by nature the supreme puruṣārtha, then that is extreme ill-naturedness. In this case, one veritably misuses the name, and thus the occurrence of an offense a crore times far greater than that sin [which one intended to use the name to absolve oneself of] most certainly ensues. In this case, the non-occurrence of purification of him [i.e., of such an offender of the name] by means of regulations, that is, [the non-occurrence of purification] of one [such offender] who has performed atonement by means of numerous restraints (yamas), regulations (niyamas), and so forth, or, of one [such offender] upon whom punishment has been inflicted even by numerous bearers of the staff [i.e., Yamarājas] who have sequentially received the authority [to punish offenders over the course of numerous cyclic manifestations of the material world], is certainly appropriate on account of only again constantly chanting the name [of Hari] being the atonement in this case as per the forthcoming statement [in Padma Purāṇa], ‘The names [of Hari] certainly destroy the sins of those who have committed offense to the name; uttered incessantly, they are certainly effective,’ and on account of the law (niyama) of suffering in the form of falling down [being compulsorily applicable] for one who has committed offense to the name even though [one may otherwise be] possessed of bhakti to Bhagavān as per [the statement in PP 4.25.12-13] sarvāparādha-kṛd api …. …
“(8) Then, in regard to [the statement] dharma-vrata-tyāgaḥ …, equating [the name] with dharma and so forth is also negligence, meaning, an offense occurs [because of it]. …
“(9) Then, after showing the offense of [i.e., that can be committed by] a teacher [of the name] in [the statement] aśraddadhāne …, he [i.e., Sanat-kumāra] states (10) [the offense which can occur on the part] of the recipient of instruction [regarding the name]: śrutvāpi … Because of being one for whom ‘I’, ‘mine’, and so forth are primary, that is, [being one who is] possessed of disregard for it [i.e., the name of Hari] on account of being fixated principally upon egotism (ahantā), possessiveness (mamatā), and so forth, is the meaning [of the tenth offense].
“The ten offenses are also indicated by the word ‘the heretical’ (pāṣaṇḍa), who are motivated by the body, wealth, and so forth, in [the statement in PP 4.25.24] nāmaikaṁ yasya vāci smaraṇa-patha-gatam … because of their being heretical (pāṣaṇḍamaya) [i.e., because of the offenses’ being acts contrary to the teaching of the śāstra]. Also, another offense of those of that type [i.e., of the heretical (pāṣaṇḍis)] is stated in the Vaiśākha-māhātmya in Padma Purāṇa (5.96.63): ‘Those people who disrespect kīrtana of Bhagavān and leave [places where it is being performed] go to a fearsome naraka because of this sinful act.’
“There verily being no other atonement for all these offenses [apart from further chanting of the name] is stated in that very place [in Padma Purāṇa just after the aforementioned ten offenses were listed]: ‘The names [of Hari] certainly destroy the sins of those who have committed offense to the name; uttered incessantly, they are certainly effective.’ Here, in the case of an offense to a sādhu and so forth [i.e., and to Bhagavān, his name, the guru, and so forth as aforementioned in the list of the ten offenses], constant kīrtana and so forth of the name specifically for the sake of satisfying them [i.e., whomever has been offended] is appropriate [i.e., enjoined as the appropriate means of rectification] because of observance in the narrations of Ambarīṣa and so forth of offenses being forgivable only by them [i.e., by the person in particular who was offended, as in the case of Durvāsā Muni’s offense to Ambarīṣa Mahārāja, not even Bhagavān himself could forgive Durvāsā Muni’s offense; it was only forgiven when Durvāsā Muni appealed directly to Ambarīṣa Mahārāja for forgiveness]. It is also stated in the Nāma-kaumudī: ‘The only mitigation of an offense to a great one (mahat) is suffering [the reactions of the offense] or his favor [i.e., receiving the forgiveness of the person who was offended].’ Therefore, because of the absence of any other means, it was rightly stated [in SB 2.1.11, as cited at the beginning of this anuccheda] etan nirvidyamānānām … [‘This anukīrtana of Hari’s name, wherein there is no fear from anywhere, is enjoined for the indifferent, the desirous, and the yogīs’]. It was similarly stated by Śrī Nārada in Bṛhan-nāradīya Purāṇa: ‘How can I of defeated intellect worship he even the greatness of whose name human beings and even the foremost of the sages are unable to reach the limit of?’”

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ye sabhāya vaiṣṇavera nindā-mātra haya

ye sabhāya vaiṣṇavera nindā-mātra haya |
sarva-dharma thākileo tabhu haya kṣaya ||
sannyāsi-sabhāya yadi haya nindā-karma |
madyapero sabhā haite se sabhā adharmya ||
madyapera niṣkṛti āchaye kono kāle |
para-carcakera gati nahe kabhu bhāle ||
śāstra paḍhiyāo kāro kāro buddhi-nāśa |
(Caitanya-bhāgavata: 2.13.41–44)

“Even if the totality of dharma is [otherwise] present, still an assembly in which defamation (nindā) of a Vaiṣṇava occurs is ruined. If an act of defamation occurs [even] in an assembly of sannyāsīs, then that assembly is adharmic more so than an assembly of drunkards. There is deliverance for a drunkard some day. A gossiper [however] never has progress on their forehead [i.e., never has a bright future]. Even after studying śāstra, the intelligence of many is ruined [by engaging in defamation].”

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na bhajati kumanīṣiṇāṁ sa ijyāṁ

na bhajati kumanīṣiṇāṁ sa ijyāṁ
harir adhanātma-dhana-priyo rasa-jñaḥ |
śruta-dhana-kula-karmaṇāṁ madair ye
vidadhati pāpam akiñcaneṣu satsu ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 4.31.21; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 301)

“The connoisseur of rasa, Hari, he to whom those who have no [worldly] wealth and whose wealth is the Self [i.e., the Ātmā, meaning, Hari himself] are dear, does not accept the worship of those of polluted intellect, who because of the intoxications of learning, wealth, family, and deeds, engage in wrong-doing in relation to sādhus who are without anything [i.e., free from any such intoxications and the pride and possessiveness that underlie them].”

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mahad-aparādhas tu cāṭukārādinā vā tat-prīty-artha-kṛtena

mahad-aparādhas tu cāṭukārādinā vā tat-prīty-artha-kṛtena nirantara-dīrgha-kālīna-bhagavan-nāma-kīrtanena vā taṁ prasādya kṣamāpanīya … | tat-prasādaṁ vinā tad-asiddheḥ |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 303)

“Offense to a great person (mahad-aparādha) is to be begged pardon for by propitiating him [i.e., the mahat] with endearing words and so forth, or, by chanting of Bhagavān’s name continuously for a long time performed for the sake of pleasing him … because of non-accomplishment of this [i.e., of forgiveness of one’s offense to a great person] without propitiation of him.”

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yadyapy aparādha-sad-bhāvo vartate puruṣe

yadyapy aparādha-sad-bhāvo vartate puruṣe, tadā tad-doṣeṇa satsu nirādarāṇāṁ sādhāraṇa-puṇyādi-dṛṣṭīnāṁ ca tad-doṣa-śānty-arthaṁ sat-saṅgasya bhagavat-sāmmukhya-kāraṇatve’pi tat-kṛpā-sāhāyyam apekṣyate | niraparādhatve sati sat-saṅgenaiva jāta-paramottama-dṛṣṭīnāṁ teṣu mano’vadhānābhāve’pi sat-saṅga-mātraṁ tat-kāraṇam iti |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 179)

“When the presence of aparādha exists in people, then for [them, that is,] those who are devoid of regard for the sat and those who see [only] ordinary piety and so forth [in them] because of that fault [i.e., past aparādha towards the sat], the assistance of the grace of the sat is required for the purpose of eliminating that fault [of aparādha] even though [general] association with the sat [wherein the sat do not necessarily bestow their grace upon someone with specific intentionality] is the [primary] cause of intentness upon Bhagavān. When there is inoffensiveness [i.e., the absence of aparādha is persons], then, for those in whom the mostly exalted vision [of the sat] has manifest just by association with the sat, simply association with the sat [wherein they do not bestow their grace upon someone with specific intentionality] is a cause of that [i.e., intentness upon Bhagavān] even when there is an absence of mental attentiveness upon them [i.e., even when those free from aparādha are not even fully attentive to the sat].”

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tat saṁrakṣya satām āgaḥ kuñjarāt sat-prasādajā

tat saṁrakṣya satām āgaḥ kuñjarāt sat-prasādajā |
dīnatā-mānadatvādi-śilākḷpta-mahāvṛtiḥ ||
bhakti-vallī nṛbhiḥ pālyā śravaṇādy-ambu-secanaiḥ |
(Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.1.1)

“Therefore, the creeper of bhakti, born of the grace of the sādhus, and set within the great stone-built enclosure of humility, respectfulness, and so forth, is to be protected by human beings from the elephant of offenses against sādhus, and to be nurtured with sprinklings of the water of hearing and so forth.”

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āmāke praṇati kare, haya pāpa-kṣaya

āmāke praṇati kare, haya pāpa-kṣaya |
tabe se ihāre bhakti laoyāile laya ||
praṇatite habe ihāra aparādha kṣaya |
nirmala hṛdaye bhakti kariba udaya ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.17.263, 266)

[Śrīman Mahāprabhu deliberating on how to deliver the students of Navadvīpa who had misunderstood him and begun to defame him:] “If they offer obeisance to me, their sin [i.e., aparādha] will be removed. Then if I prompt them to take to bhakti, they will take to it. … By offering obeisance, their aparādha will be removed, and then I will manifest bhakti in their untainted hearts.”

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atha yad avatārādāv aśuddha-cittānām api tat-sākṣātkāraḥ śrūyate

atha yad avatārādāv aśuddha-cittānām api tat-sākṣātkāraḥ śrūyate, tat khalu tad-ābhāsa eva jñeyaḥ | ‘nāhaṁ prakāśaḥ sarvasya yogamāyā-samāvṛtaḥ’ iti śrī-gītopaniṣadbhyaḥ | … adarśanaṁ cānavatāra-samaye vyāpakasyāpi darśanābhāvaḥ, avatāra-samaye tu paramānande’pi duḥkhadatvaṁ, manorame’pi bhīṣaṇatvam, sarva-suhṛdy api durhṛttvam ity ādi-viparīta-darśanam eva | tad-aprakāśe yogamāyā-prakāśe ca mūlaṁ kāraṇaṁ tad-bhaktāparādhādimaya-puruṣa-cittāsvācchyam | yat khalu tadānīntane tasya sārvatrika-prakāśe’pi vajralepāyate | ata eva ‘muktir hitvā’ ity-ādi-lakṣaṇasyāvyāpter na tasya sākṣātkārābhāsasya mukti-saṁjñatvam api |
(Prīti Sandarbha: 7)

“Then, the direct perception (sākṣātkāra) of him [i.e., of Bhagavān] on the part even of those of impure heart that is heard of during [his] descents (avatāras), or in other instances, is to be understood as only a semblance (ābhāsa) of that [i.e., of actual direct perception (sākṣātkāra) of him], as per the Gītopaniṣad [7.25], ‘Being concealed by [my] yogamāyā, I am not manifest to all.’ … Also, non-vision [of Bhagavān] at a time other than a descent (avatāra) [of Bhagavān] means the absence of vision even of he [i.e., Bhagavān] who [by nature] is all-pervading, whereas at the time of [his] descent (avatāra) [non-vision of him] is verily reversed vision, such as that of his being [seen to be] a cause of suffering even when he is the supreme bliss, being [seen to be] terrifying even though he is charming, or being [seen to be] an ill-wisher even when he is the well-wisher of all. In the case of non-manifestation of him [i.e., in the case of times when his descent (avatāra) is not taking place] and in the case of manifestation of [his] yogamāyā [i.e., in the case of yogamāyā concealing him even during the time of his descent (avatāra)], the root cause [of these instances of non-vision of him] is the impurity in an embodied being’s (puruṣa’s) citta in the form of offenses (aparādhas) to his bhaktas and so forth, which even at the time of his manifestation everywhere [i.e., even during the time of his descent (avatāra) when he is openly visible] is as if cement [i.e., such impurity in the citta remains hard and fixed in place, blocking reflection of his potency of self-manifestation (sva-prakāśitatva-śakti) off of the citta into the mind whereby direct perception of him would otherwise take place]. Therefore, because of the non-pervasion [i.e., non-existence] of the characteristics [stated] in muktir hitvānyathā … [i.e., in the definition of mukti given in SB 2.10.6], a semblance (ābhāsa) of direct perception (sākṣātkāra) of him that occurs in such cases] does not have the status of being designated as mukti.”

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