पिता त्वं माता त्वं दयिततनयस्त्वं प्रियसुहृत्
त्वमेव त्वं मित्रं गुरुरपि गतिश्चासि जगताम् ।
त्वदीयस्त्वद्भृत्यस्तव परिजनस्तद्गतिरहं
प्रपन्नश्चैवं स त्वहमपि तवैवास्मि हि भरः ॥

pitā tvaṁ mātā tvaṁ dayita-tanayas tvaṁ priya-suhṛt
tvam eva tvaṁ mitraṁ gurur api gatiś cāsi jagatām |
tvadīyas tvad bhṛtyas tava parijanas tad-gatir ahaṁ
prapannaś caivaṁ sa tv aham api tavaivāsmi hi bharaḥ ||
(Stotra-ratna: 57)

“You are the father, you are the mother, you are the beloved son, you are the dear well-wisher, you are the friend, you are the guru, and you are the shelter of the world. I am yours, I am your servant, I am your attendant, and I hold you as my shelter. I am surrendered unto you, and as such I am indeed your responsibility [i.e., your dependent].”


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