
mama nātha yad asti yo’smy ahaṁ

mama nātha yad asti yo’smy ahaṁ
sakalaṁ tad dhi tavaiva mādhava |
niyata-svam iti prabuddha-dhīr
atha vā kiṁ nu samarpayāmi te ||
(Stotra-ratna: 53)

“O Master, whatever is mine and whoever I am—all of this is actually yours alone. O Mādhava, with this enlightened awareness of [everything] being eternally your own, what now can I even offer you?”

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vapur-ādiṣu yo’pi ko’pi vā

vapur-ādiṣu yo’pi ko’pi vā
guṇato’sāni yathā-tathā-vidhaḥ |
tad ayaṁ tava pāda-padmayor
aham adyaiva mayā samarpitaḥ ||
(Stotra-ratna: 52; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.196)

“Whoever I may be inside the body and so forth, and of whatever sort [I may be in terms of body and so forth] according to the guṇas—today as such this ‘I’ is offered by me at your lotus feet.”

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sakṛt tvad-ākāra-vilokanāśayā

sakṛt tvad-ākāra-vilokanāśayā
tṛṇī-kṛtānuttama-bhukti-muktibhiḥ |
mahātmabhir mām avalokyatāṁ naya
kṣaṇe’pi te yad viraho’ti-duḥsahaḥ ||
(Stotra-ratna: 56)

“Please bring me into the sight of those great souls who out of longing to once behold your figure consider unparalleled enjoyment and mukti to be straw, [those great souls] whose separation is extremely difficult to bear for a moment even for you.”

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tava dāsya-sukhaika-saṅgināṁ

tava dāsya-sukhaika-saṅgināṁ
bhavaneṣv astv api kīṭa-janma me |
itarāvasatheṣu mā sma bhūd
api me janma caturmukhātmanā ||
(Stotra-ratna: 55)

“Let me take birth, even as a worm, in the homes of those whose only attachment is to the happiness of your service. Never let me take birth, even as he of four faces [i.e., Lord Brahmā], in any other situation.”

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tad ahaṁ tvad ṛte na nāthavān

tad ahaṁ tvad ṛte na nāthavān
mad ṛte tvaṁ dayanīyavān na ca |
vidhi-nirmitam etad anvayaṁ
bhagavan pālaya mā sma jīhaya ||
(Stotra-ratna: 51)

“Therefore, without you, I do not have a master, and without me, you do not have a suitable recipient for your grace. This is our relationship, formed by destiny. O Bhagavān, please protect me; do not ever reject me.”

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avabodhitavān imāṁ yathā

avabodhitavān imāṁ yathā
mayi nityāṁ bhavadīyatāṁ svayam |
kṛpayaivam ananya-bhogyatāṁ
bhagavan bhaktim api prayaccha me ||
(Stotra-ratna: 54)

“As you yourself have made known this state of being eternally your own in me, O Bhagavān, so by your grace please also bestow upon me bhakti which has no other enjoyer [than you, i.e., bhakti which is performed solely for your enjoyment].”

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pitā tvaṁ mātā tvaṁ dayita-tanayas tvaṁ priya-suhṛt

pitā tvaṁ mātā tvaṁ dayita-tanayas tvaṁ priya-suhṛt
tvam eva tvaṁ mitraṁ gurur api gatiś cāsi jagatām |
tvadīyas tvad bhṛtyas tava parijanas tad-gatir ahaṁ
prapannaś caivaṁ sa tv aham api tavaivāsmi hi bharaḥ ||
(Stotra-ratna: 57)

“You are the father, you are the mother, you are the beloved son, you are the dear well-wisher, you are the friend, you are the guru, and you are the shelter of the world. I am yours, I am your servant, I am your attendant, and I hold you as my shelter. I am surrendered unto you, and as such I am indeed your responsibility [i.e., your dependent].”

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