परवक्रगतञ्चापि विष्णोर्नाम श्रुतं मया ।
कृतद्वेषस्य विप्राणां प्रत्यक्षोऽभवदच्युतः ॥
para-vakra-gatañ cāpi viṣṇor nāma śrutaṁ mayā |
kṛta-dveṣasya viprāṇāṁ pratyakṣo’bhavad acyutaḥ ||
(Varāha Purāṇa: 37.33)
[Upon being liberated from the body of a tiger he received as a result of being cursed by brāhmaṇas for disrespecting them, Mahārāja Dīrghabāhu marvels at how he receives such fortune just by hearing the name Nārāyaṇa recited by a brāhmaṇa whom he (in the form of a tiger) was in the process of attacking as the brāhmaṇa was bathing in a river:] “And even though Viṣṇu’s name has [only] been heard by me from another’s mouth [i.e., even though I myself did not even chant Viṣṇu’s name], Acyuta has appeared before my eyes, I who have committed malice towards brāhmaṇas.”