
Five verses in praise of the loin-cloth

By Śrīpād Śaṅkarācārya

वेदान्तवायेषु सदा रमन्तो
भिक्षान्नमात्रेण च तिुष्टिमन्तः ।
विशोकमन्तःकरणे चरन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः ॥१॥

vedānta-vākyeṣu sadā ramanto
bhikṣānna-mātreṇa ca tuṣṭimantaḥ |
viśokam antaḥkaraṇe carantaḥ
kaupīnavantaḥ khalu bhāgyavantaḥ ||1||

Always delighting in the statements of the Vedānta,
Satisfied simply with alms for food,
And roaming free from lamentation within,
Fortunate indeed is the wearer of the loin-cloth.

मूलं तरोः केवलमाश्रयन्तः
पाणिद्वयं भोक्तुममत्रयन्तः ।
कन्थामिव श्रीमपि कुत्सयन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः ॥२॥

mūlaṁ taroḥ kevalam āśrayantaḥ
pāṇi-dvayaṁ bhoktum amatrayantaḥ |
kanthām iva śrīm api kutsayantaḥ
kaupīnavantaḥ khalu bhāgyavantaḥ ||2||

Sheltered simply at the foot of a tree,
Eating with two hands and without a bowl,
And condemning of even property such as a patched quilt,
Fortunate indeed is the wearer of the loin-cloth.

स्वानन्दभावे परiतुष्टिमन्तः
सुशान्तसर्वेन्द्रिय वृत्तिमन्तः ।
अहर्निशं ब्रह्मसुखे रमन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः॥३॥

svānanda-bhāve parituṣṭimantaḥ
suśānta-sarvendriya-vṛttimantaḥ |
ahar-niśaṁ brahma-sukhe ramantaḥ
kaupīnavantaḥ khalu bhāgyavantaḥ ||3||

Satisfied fully with the bliss of the self,
Taming fully the functioning of all the senses,
And delighting day and night in the joy of Brahman,
Fortunate indeed is the wearer of the loin-cloth.

देहादिभावं परिवर्तयन्तः
स्वात्मानमात्मन्यवलोकयन्तः ।
नान्तं न मध्यं न बहिः स्मरन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः ॥४॥

dehādi-bhāvaṁ parivartayantaḥ
svātmānam ātmany avalokayantaḥ |
nāntaṁ na madhyaṁ na bahiḥ smarantaḥ
kaupīnavantaḥ khalu bhāgyavantaḥ ||4||

Moving through the states of the body and mind,
Seeing the Ātmā within his own ātmā,
And remembering neither the inner, nor the intermediate, nor the outer,
Fortunate indeed is the wearer of the loin-cloth.

ब्रह्माक्षरं पावनमुच्चरन्तो
ब्रह्माहमस्मीति विभावयन्तः ।
भिक्षाशिनो दिक्षु परिभ्रमन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः ॥५॥

brahmākṣaraṁ pāvanam uccaranto
brahmāham asmīti vibhāvayantaḥ |
bhikṣāśino dikṣu paribhramantaḥ
kaupīnavantaḥ khalu bhāgyavantaḥ ||5||

Reciting the purifying syllables of Brahman [i.e., Om],
Fully perceiving, “I am Brahman,”
Partaking of alms,
And roaming throughout the directions,
Fortunate indeed is the wearer of the loin-cloth.




Edition published on SanskritDocuments.org.


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