जीवस्वरूपभूतस्य सच्चिदानन्दवस्तुनः ।
साक्षादनुभवेनापि स्यात्तादृक्सुखमल्पकम् ॥

jīva-svarūpa-bhūtasya sac-cid-ānanda-vastunaḥ |
sākṣād-anubhavenāpi syāt tādṛk sukham alpakam ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.2.176)

“The happiness that arises from direct experience of the existence, consciousness, and bliss inherent in the jīva’s svarūpa is meager.”


tādṛg jīva-svarūpānubhava-rūpam eva, ataevālpakaṁ sac-cid-ānanda-ghana-śrī-bhaga vac-caraṇāravindānubhava-rūpa-bhakti-sukhāpekṣayātyalpakam | yady api sukhaṁ nāma tatra tattvato nāsty eva, kevalaṁ duḥkhābhāva eveti niścayaḥ, tathāpi “tuṣyatu durjanaḥ” iti nyāyenābhyupagamya sukhaṁ mokṣa-kiñcid atrocyamānam asti | tac ca bhagavad-bhakti-sukha-māhātmya-bodhanāyaiveti pūrvoktānusāreṇa boddhavyam ||
(Excerpt from the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā)

“In comparison to the happiness of bhakti, that is, experience of the lotus feet of Śrī Bhagavān, who is the embodiment of existence, consciousness, and bliss, such [happiness] in the form of experience of the jīva’s inherent nature (svarūpa) is extremely meager. Although it is called happiness, in reality it is not this at all. It is certainly only the absence of unhappiness. Be that as it may, it may be accepted and said to be happiness in accord with the principle “let the rascal be satisfied” [‘rascal’ here referring to those intent upon mokṣa and averse to the service of Bhagavān]. But this [reluctant acknowledgement] should be understood according to previous statements to be only for the purpose of demonstrating the greatness of the [unparalleled] happiness found in bhakti to Bhagavān.”


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