हित्वान्याः किल वासना भजत रे वृन्दावनं प्रेमदं
राधाकृष्णविलासवारिधिरसास्वादं न चेत्विन्दथ ।
त्यक्तुं शक्नुथ न स्पृहामपि पुनस्तत्रैव हृद्वृत्तयो
विश्रद्धाः श्रयत ममैव सततं सङ्कल्पकल्पद्रुमं ॥

hitvānyāḥ kila vāsanā bhajata re vṛndāvanaṁ premadaṁ
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-vilāsa-vāridhi-rasāsvādaṁ na cet vindatha |
tyaktuṁ śaknutha na spṛhām api punas tatraiva hṛd-vṛttayo
viśraddhāḥ śrayata mamaiva satataṁ saṅkalpa-kalpadrumaṁ ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma: 104)

“Oh! Forsake other vāsanās [i.e., proclivities, desires] and worship the bestower of prema, Vṛndāvana. O movements of my heart [i.e., thoughts], if you do not have taste for the rasa of the ocean of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s play, and you also cannot give up desire [for that rasa], then with firm śraddhā [or, even without śraddhā], always take shelter in this desire-tree of resolve (Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma) [since by reciting this text and thereby attaining firm resolve, full taste for that rasa will surely be attained].”


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