हंसस्य चोर्द्ध्वगमने गतिर्भवति निश्चला ।
तत्त्वातत्त्वविवेकोऽस्ति जलदुग्धविभागवत् ।
अज्ञानज्ञानयोस्तत्त्वं विवेचयति हंसकः ॥

haṁsasya corddhva-gamane gatir bhavati niścalā |
tattvātattva-viveko’sti jala-dugdha-vibhāgavat |
ajñāna-jñānayos tattvaṁ vivecayati haṁsakaḥ ||
(Śiva Purāṇa: Rudra-saṁhitā, Sṛṣti-khaṇḍa, 15.10–11)

“A haṁsa’s [i.e., a swan-like sādhu’s] upward movement is unwavering [like a swan’s flight], and he has the ability to discriminate between the real and the unreal as though separating milk from water [like a swan]. A haṁsa ascertains the nature of ignorance and knowledge.”


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