এ সব-প্রসাদে লিখি চৈতন্য-লীলা-গুণ ।
যৈছে তৈছে লিখি, করি আপন পাবন ॥
e saba-prasāde likhi caitanya-līlā-guṇa |
yaiche taiche likhi, kari āpana pāvana ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 3.11.10)
“By the grace of them all [i.e., by the grace of Śrī Caitanya, Śrī Nityānanda, Śrī Advaita, their bhaktas, and the six gosvāmīs in particular], I write about Caitanya’s līlā and qualities. Howsoever I write [i.e., as I write to the best of my ability, as meager and faulty as that may be], I [at least] purify myself.”