
tad-vāg-visargo janatāgha-viplavo

tad-vāg-visargo janatāgha-viplavo
yasmin prati-ślokam abaddhavaty api |
nāmāny anantasya yaśo’ṅkitāni yac
chṛṇvanti gāyanti gṛṇanti sādhavaḥ ||

(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.5.11; 12.12.52)

“Destructive of humanity’s sins is any composition of language in which, even if devoid of [syntactical] sense, there are names marked with [i.e., derived from descriptions of] the glories of Ananta [i.e., Bhagavān, lit., “he who is without end”] in every verse, since sādhus hear, sing, and speak [those names in the process of reciting the composition].”

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vīkṣe divyākṣi-lakṣaiḥ sthira-cara-suṣamāṁ saurabhaṁ ghrāṇa-lakṣair

vīkṣe divyākṣi-lakṣaiḥ sthira-cara-suṣamāṁ saurabhaṁ ghrāṇa-lakṣair
jighrāmy ākarṇaye ca śravaṇa-vitatibhis tvad-guṇān atyudārān |
pat-koṭyā tvayaṭeyaṁ yadi ca kara-śiraḥ koṭibhis tvāṁ nameyaṁ
no tṛptir me tathāpi priyatama-paramānanda-vṛndāvanādya ||
(Vṛndāvana-mahimāmṛta: 4.53)

“O dearmost, supremely blissful Vṛndāvana! If today I beheld the exquisite beauty of the mobile and immobile beings within you with hundreds of thousands of divine eyes, I smelled your fragrance with hundreds of thousands of noses, I heard your most exalted virtues with numerous ears, I were to roam about you with tens of millions of feet, and I were to bow to you with tens of millions of hands and feet, still I would feel no satiation.”

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atrodite bhavej jātu

atrodite bhavej jātu na tṛptir darśanādiṣu ||
(Ujjvala-nīlāmaṇi: 14.79)

[The taṭastha-lakṣaṇa of the stage of prema-bhakti known as sneha:] “When this [i.e., sneha] arises, no satiation ever occurs by vision [of Kṛṣṇa] or otherwise [by hearing, meditating, or any other means].”

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didṛkṣus tad ahaṁ bhūyaḥ

didṛkṣus tad ahaṁ bhūyaḥ praṇidhāya mano hṛdi |
vīkṣamāṇo’pi nāpaśyam avitṛpta ivāturaḥ ||
evaṁ yatantaṁ vijane mām āhāgocaro girām |
gambhīra-ślakṣṇayā vācā śucaḥ praśamayann iva ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.6.20–21)

[Nārada:] “Desiring to see that [form of Bhagavān] again, I fixed my mind in my heart. Though I looked intently, I did not see [him]. Not fully satiated, I became as though diseased. As I endeavored in this way in seclusion, he who is inexpressible by words then spoke to me with deep, gentle words which somewhat alleviated my distress.”

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vayaṁ tu na vitṛpyāma

vayaṁ tu na vitṛpyāma uttama-śloka-vikrame |
yac chṛṇvatāṁ rasa-jñānāṁ svādu svādu pade pade ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.1.19)

“We, however, are not fully satiated with the prowess of he of the highest glory (Uttamaśloka) [i.e., Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa], which for listeners cognizant of rasa becomes sweeter and sweeter step by step [and moment by moment].”

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itthaṁ vasaṁs tatra cireṇa vāñchitaṁ

itthaṁ vasaṁs tatra cireṇa vāñchitaṁ
vāñchādhikaṁ cāvirataṁ paraṁ phalam |
cittānupūrtyānubhavann api dhruvaṁ
vastu-svabhāvena na tṛptim āpnuyām ||
ato vraja-strī-kuca-kuṅkumācitaṁ
manoramaṁ tat-pada-paṅkaja-dvayam |
kadāpi kenāpi nijendriyādinā
na hātum īśe lava-leśam apy aham ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.6.368–9)

[Gopa Kumāra:] “Even by residing there [i.e., in Goloka] in this way and indeed continuously experiencing to the complete fulfillment of my heart that supreme result which was both what I had long desired and beyond [even] that desire, I could not attain satiation on account of the nature of that substance [i.e., prema]. Thus, I am not able to give up for even a fraction of a second by any means at any time with my senses or anything else his two charming lotus feet smeared with the kumkum from the breasts of the ladies of Vraja.”

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bhakteḥ phalaṁ paraṁ prema

bhakteḥ phalaṁ paraṁ prema tṛpty-abhāva-svabhāvakam |
avāntara-phaleṣv etad ati-heyaṁ satāṁ matam ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.2.210)

“The supreme result of bhakti is prema, the nature of which is the absence of satiation. Among the secondary results [of bhakti], this [i.e., the state of being an ātmārāma] is considered by sādhus to be shunned completely.”

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śrī-kṛṣṇa-candra kasyāpi

śrī-kṛṣṇacandra kasyāpi tṛptir astu kadāpi na |
bhavato’nugrahe bhaktau premṇi cānanda-bhājane ||
vidagdha-nikarācārya ko nāmāyaṁ varo mataḥ |
svabhāvo mat-kṛpā-bhakti-premṇāṁ vyakto’yam eva yat ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.7.135–6)

[Nārada said:] “O Śrī Kṛṣṇacandra, may no one ever feel satiated by your grace, by bhakti [to you], or by prema [for you], all of which are reservoirs of bliss.”

[Bhagavān replies Nārada:] “O ācārya of the clever, what kind of benediction is this? This nature of my grace, bhakti [to me], and prema [for me] is well known.”

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vāgbhiḥ stuvanto manasā smarantas

vāgbhiḥ stuvanto manasā smarantas
tanvā namanto’py aniśaṁ na tṛptāḥ |
bhaktāḥ sravan-netra-jalāḥ samagram
āyur harer eva samarpayanti ||
(Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya: 12.37; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.3.29)

“Although they are continuously praising him with their words, remembering him with their minds, and bowing to him with bodies, they are not satiated. The bhaktas, their eyes flowing with tears, offer their entire lives to Hari alone.”

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